Ever since I was a child I wanted to make dolls. After many and long tries, about ten years ago I started to make dolls with “Fimo” material. Some time I made many many dolls. Right now I am pausing but in the future I would like to make more dolls. The thought of making dolls presumably has to do with memories of my childhood. My mother was really good at sewing and she made a doll from fabric for me. Unfortunately it is made from cloth and the face was drawn on with a pen and got washed out, the eyes being quite realistic which I found a little frightening. Of course I was happy and grateful for that, I was about four or five years old at that time. Back then, I became friends with the children from the house on the other side of the street, where I used to live (Saiwai-cho in Kochi City). From them I heard that their grandmother was making dolls. One time I was allowed to look in their grandmother’s room and it was astonishing because everywhere in the room there were beautiful dolls. They were so beautiful and I assume she was a professional. I guess the dolls were made of cloth and very precise in all details. I think I saw some realistic dolls wearing Kimonos. Ever since I saw that, I also wanted to make dolls. Another memory from back then is that my father used to work at a high school (Ozu High School in Kochi city). One day some of his students came to our house to visit him. I think they all collected money together and brought a doll for me. She was so wonderful like the ones the grandmother from the neighbouring house made. She was a European elegant lady with a beautiful marron-coloured hairdo, a pearl-like necklace and wearing a rosé coloured semi-long dress. She was sitting on a small chair, both legs closed, stretched to the side below the knees. Her beautiful legs were slim and curvy, wearing high-heel shoes with pointed tips. She was in a plastic box and unreachable and she is only loking at me with her beautiful big eyes. She is still at my house in Japan and gives me happiness. When I see her, I think about the day I received her and I can relive that moment in gratitude.
As a dollmaker, I am entirely self-taught. I have studied singing thoroughly and deeply, which is my profession. But when making dolls, I want to express my creativity freely and spontaneously. Therefore I will never reach such a high level as my neighbours’ grandmother but for the time being, I am really happy and satisfied with that.
子供の頃から人形作りがしたいと思っていました。いろいろ試した後、10年ほど前から人形本体を「FIMO」という材料で作るようになりました。今は休憩中ですが、またいつか人形を作りたいと思っています。 人形作りへの想いは、子供の頃の体験に由来しているようです。 私の母は、お裁縫がよくできました。布を使って人形を作ってくれましたが、顔をペンで描いたのでにじんでおり、また、目がリアルすぎて怖いくらいでした。しかし、私はとても嬉しくて、感謝したものです。私が4、5歳くらいのことです。 当時の住居(高知市幸町)のお向かいの家に住んでいた子供達と仲良くさせてもらっていて、よく一緒に遊んでいました。その子達のおばあさまが人形を作っていらっしゃるとのことで、私はどんな人形なのかな、と興味深く思っていました。一度、おばあさまのお部屋を見せていただく機会に恵まれました。お部屋中、お人形がたくさん飾られていて、素晴らしかったです。子供だったのでよくわかりませんが、薄い布で作られた人形だったと思います。非常に繊細に、見事に作られた作品の数々…日本人形もあったと思います。きっと、おばあさまは人形作りの専門的な職人さんでいらっしゃったのでしょう。自分でこんなふうに人形が作れたら、どんなに嬉しいだろう、と私は思い始めました。 また、その頃、人形に関するもうひとつの出来事がありました。当時、父は高知市内の小津高校に勤めていました。ある日、数人の生徒さんが、父を我が家に訪問して下さいました。その際、多分、それぞれがお金を出し合ってのことでしょう、私にお人形をプレゼントして下さったのです。向かいのお家のおばあさまの作品のような、素晴らしいお人形!西洋の貴婦人で、栗色の髪は美しく結い上げられ、真珠のようなネックレスをして、短めのばら色のドレスを纏っています。椅子に両脚きちんと揃えて腰掛けていて、膝から下は横斜めに伸ばしています。細い脚は曲線を描き、その先にはツン!とハイヒール。手の届かないプラスティックの箱の中から、大きな美しい瞳で私を見つめているのです。その人形は今も日本の我が家に飾られています。それを見る度に、いただいた日のことを思い出し、喜びと共に感謝の気持ちが湧き上がります。
Picture by Yuka Simeno
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