Memory of a river 川の思い出

“Bam”! I hit my knee at the door. At first it didn’t look so bad but the next morning my left knee was swollen with a blue patch. Looking at my hurt knee, I thought that for a long time I had not been injured. When I was small, I often had some injuries. Maybe growing older one becomes more careful or skilled at moving around.         The picture above was taken close to my house in Japan. Since the first grade of primary school I have been living there. When I was in primary school, the river banks were natural. On the both sides there were  steep  banks covered with grass.The natural bank was removed and now there are concrete walls (about one metre high) separating the bank from the street. That is because one time there was severe flooding from that river. It is not beautiful nature anymore but it makes the residents feel safer. Despite those measures unfortunately there has been flooding again.        When there was still the natural bank, with my bicycle I wanted to cross a bridge over this river. That bridge was just flat concrete even without a railing. When  I wanted to turn from the street onto the bridge, I could not steer properly and fell down the bank. My bicycle tipped over between the bridge and the road and I alone rolled down the bank. Fortunately the bank stopped my fall and I did not get wet but I sustained many small abrasions and there was blood coming from small injuries. This looked awful but after some days I started to heal. Especially my knees were hurt. Those injuries were only superficial and it did not take long for them to heal. Shortly after, exactly the same accident happened to me again. But this not only happened to me. About the same time near the location of my accident I saw a smiliar bicycle accident one time. At the edge of the road close to the bank I saw a bicycle lying there and I thought who might have just left such a beautiful biycle lying around. Then I saw a man, completely soaking wet, crawling up from the river. That was in winter and he had a nice suit, which made me feel very sorry for him.

Back then, when I strolled at this bank towards the mountain as in the picture above with my mother, she often said “I love this scenery most”. I don’t know why but every time she said it, she spoke with Tokyo accent, where she spent her childhood, so maybe with her friends she uttered such words. The scenery has completely changed and my mother is no longer here. Only the mountain in the distance always looks the same.

Over the course of time, things change. When I think about that, I understand how precious time is. I want to value the present and live ….

ガン!ドアに膝をぶつけてしまいました。その時はそれほどでもないと思いましたが、翌朝見ると、左の膝が腫れ、青い箇所ができています。膝を抱えて怪我を見ながら、そういえば、こんなことは久しぶりだなあと思いました。子供の頃はこの程度の怪我はしょっちゅうでした。年齢を重ねるにつれ、人は、注意を払い、上手く動くことを学んでいくのでしょう。  上の写真は、日本の我が家の近くで撮ったものです。小学1年の時から住んでいる地域です。小学生だった頃は、この川には自然の岸がありました。両岸とも、道から川に下る、草に覆われた傾斜となっていました。現在は、自然の岸は取り除かれ、約1メートル程高いコンクリートの防壁が、川の周りを囲んでいます。川が氾濫したためで、自然の美しさは失われましたが、住民は安心できます。しかし、残念ながら防壁を作ってからも、幾度かこの川は氾濫しました。  まだ自然の岸があった頃のことです。私は自転車に乗って、この川にかかる橋を渡ろうとしていました。簡単なコンクリートの橋で、当時は欄干もありませんでした。道から橋に曲がろうとした時、うまくいかなくて、自転車ごとひっくり返ってしまったのです。自転車は、橋と道の境で横倒して止まりましたが、私は川岸の傾斜を滑り落ちていきました。途中で止まることができ、川には落ちませんでした。しかし、たくさん擦り傷ができ、血がにじみでてきました。特に、膝の傷が一番大きかったです。見た目はひどかったですが、大した傷ではなく、数日でよくなっていきました。ところが、その後しばらくして、私はまた同じ場所で同様の事故をおこしてしまったのです。しかし、私だけではありません。同じ頃、私が事故を起こした場所の近くで、川岸の道端に自転車が横倒しになっていました。綺麗な自転車なのに、どうしてここに放っているのだろうと思っていると、岸の下の方に、ずぶぬれのおじさんがひとり、這い上がってくるのが見えたのです。おじさんはきちんとしたセビロ姿で、しかも真冬だったので、非常に気の毒でした。



Picture by Yuka Simeno 2018  Can you see the evening star ? 宵の明星が見えますか?