I like to laugh. When I was younger, I even more often liked to laugh and once I started it was difficult to stop.
I used to take the bus to go to highschool. One day I saw something funny through the window. I do not remember what it was but I could not prevent myself from laughing. My laughter was quite loud and my friend sitting next to me, not having seen what was funny to me, was quite surprised by it. At the next red light when the bus stopped, the driver came to me and told me to stop laughing. Shortly after I noticed that in front near the driver there was a disabed person who was making body movements due to some illness. I suppose this person could not control himself and therefore moved around a lot. I understood that the driver thought that I was laughing at that person.
I was very depressed and at home I told my father about it. Then he told me that in public there are many different people. Maybe someone just lost a family member, lost money, etc. There are many different people in many different situations. Therefore one should think of others and avoid doing exaggerated actions or too loud conversations, etc. I understood well and since then I make an effort to be careful about that.
Nowadays because of the spreading of the internet, some people want to do things and also involve others in it in order to post it on the internet. Maybe this person did not have bad intentions. Of course it is wonderful to live happily and with joy. But one should respect that there are people who cannot take part in it. Only being happy and joyful is not necessarily helpful in all situations and for all people.
Picture by Yuka Simeno, May 2020 in Vienna