Invisible injury 見えない傷

View from hotel window at Piatra Neamt, Romania 2012
ホテルの窓からの景色 ルーマニアのピアトラ ネアムツ 2012年

In the winter of 2012, my husband and I had concerts close to Piatra Neamt in Romania. I remember that it was very cold, the streets were covered with snow and it was difficult to walk. We wanted to have some hot drinks in our hotel room. My husband prepared some tea in a cup we had brought with us from Vienna. We chose that cup for travel because it was said to be robust against heat and not made from plastic. Nevertheless when my husband passed the cup with hot tea to me, the cup suddenly burst and boiling water spilled onto my right thigh. I immediately removed my clothes and cooled down that spot in the shower. Unfortunately there was a burn injury which hurt very much. We called our Romanian organizer and she came to our room right away to ask whether we needed an ambulance because it was already quite late in the evening. I wanted to wait and see how it would develop and so she went to the nearest pharmacy to buy some bandages.

The next day there was still strong pain and the burnt spot even had a completely different colour. That day I was supposed to sing an aria from “Die Csardasfürstin” by Emmerich Kalman. Since this region of the concert is close to the operetta’s protagonist’s home, I heard that the audience would be happy to hear that aria. There was an interlude when I was supposed to dance a little. But I was in strong pain and it was impossible for me to sing and dance. The announcer made a statement to the audience that I was injured and they should have understanding which was helpful for me. When I entered the stage, I forgot all about my pain and I could perform. This is a beautiful memory. Even afterwards at the party with the locals, I participated in some Romanian dance with them!

The pain increased however and the next day when we departed, it was difficult for me to walk. We thought that we should call for assisance at Vienna airport to take me to a taxi in a wheelchair. This assistant looked at me and asked what the problem might be. The location of my injury was invisible on the thigh and since I was wearing a long coat, it was completely out of sight. I have a feeling that my pain was difficult to estimate because just from seeing me it was maybe impossible to recognize. That assistant took me in wheelchair a long way to the exit but there was still some distance to the taxi stand. Out of consideration I declined to be taken any further and said goodbye to the assistant. With the help of my husband I walked very slowly to the taxi and the pain was very strong.

The burn mark was quite severe and stayed visible for a long time. But without seeing a doctor, it eventually fully healed and now there is even no more trace of that injury.

2012年の冬、主人と私はルーマニアのピアトラ ネアムツという街の近くでのコンサートに出演しました。とても寒く、通りは雪に覆われていて、歩くのが大変でした。ホテルの部屋で、熱いものを飲もうと思い、ウィーンから持参したカップに主人がお茶を入れてくれました。このカップは、壊れにくく、耐熱だけれどもプラスティックではない、ということで、旅のために購入しました。ところが、主人が私に手渡した時、突如としてカップが炸裂し、熱湯が私の左大腿部にかかったのです。私はすぐに服を脱いで、お湯のかかった部分をシャワーで冷やしました。しかし、火傷は非常に痛くてたまりません。ルーマニア人の企画者に連絡すると、直ちに駆けつけてくれて、すでに夜間だったため、救急車を呼ぼうか、と言ってくれました。私が、少し様子をみてみることに決めたので、企画者の方は薬局で、薬や包帯を買ってきてくれました。




Street vendors in the mountains of Northeast Romania

Picture by Yuka Simeno, December 2012 in Romania