Starting about mid-July my husband and I are temporarily taking care of seven cats. They belong to a family we are friends with but interestingly we got to know those people through their cats. This family has a house in the countryside where they went to spend the summer. Since we live very close to their apartment in Vienna, we decided to volunteer as cat-sitters for the summer.
We got to know these cats because they often sit at the window and we especially befriended one of those cats. I was a little worried that I might give preferential treatment to that cat and seem unfair to the others. However when we started taking care of them we immediately felt that the situation is totally different from just passing by their window outside. We feel that the cats need us and we want to make an effort to provide the best possible care for every one of them. This situation developed because we are friends with one of those cats and to him we should maybe show a little more affection so that his pride will not get hurt. That is not so simple however.
It is really nice to spend time with them. Every cat is unique. Character, preference, behaviour, etc… The differences between them are quite astonishing. Day after day we get to know them better and we also see the relationships between those cats.
There are two very shy ones and they even do not let the owners touch them. One of those two in the beginning was hiding from us and we rarely ever saw it. We worried that this shy one would not eat properly . But soon we realized that some time after feeding it slowly comes out to eat the leftover food. We asked ourselves why that was so and then we saw that a bigger cat was bullying the shy one. We wanted to help this cat and at feeding time we started to put food in one spot and while they are eating we put food for a shy one in a different remote spot for it to eat in peace. That one is clumsy and eats slowly. Therefore sometimes other cats already finished their food and come to eat the shy cat’s food as well. When feeding I try to be close to the shy cat so others will not bother it. We think this method works well and we feel that the shy cat shows a little more trust toward us. When we start feeding, it comes out and from a distance looks at us in anticipation. Also it allows us to come much closer than before.
Shy, bully, courageous, lovely… Each cat has its own character and many aspects to it and they show a different side every day. It is so nice to spend time with them and I feel that they enrich my soul. Thank you cats! We will be coming to you soon!
猫たちと時を過ごすのは本当にいいものです。どの猫も個性的。性格も嗜好も行動も… 個性の違いの大きさには、いつも驚かされます。毎日彼らに会っていると、よりいろんな面を知ることができ、猫の間の関係も垣間見えてきたように思います。
臆病、意地悪、大胆、甘えん坊… それぞれの猫がそれぞれの性質を持っていて、毎日、また新たな面を見せてくれます。彼らと過ごす時は格別で、心が満たされるようです。ありがとう猫たち!今すぐ行くからね!






Pictures by Yuka Simeno (except the pictures with me in them taken by my husband), Vienna 2020
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