If I love a piece of music, it will love me in return 曲を愛せば愛し返してくれる

Most of my life I have been striving to become a specialist of European classical singing. It is fascinating music but when I study deeper and deeper I see how profound this music is. There is truly much to study! I could say that good teachers are really necessary and also time and diligence are required as well as continuous studies.

An interesting aspect of this music is, that one studies the same piece for many years. The very first opera aria I ever studied, I am still sometimes studying it. I think that as long as I am able to sing, I will probably often sing some of the the same pieces and I will try to improve.

There are some pieces that I especially love. Therefore I want to master those pieces. Some are quite difficult to sing and many times I had almost given up on them and was thinking that those pieces do not fit with me. In classical singing it is very important that those pieces are a good match with the singer. If there is truly a mismatch one should really leave them be. For this reason I thought many times “This piece is not a match for me!” and wanted to give up on it. But when my vocal technique changes and improves through studying, one day suddenly it becomes possible to approach such a piece. That joy is indescribable! Then I get a feeling that I am being loved by that piece.




Picture by Yuka Simeno, August 2020 in Vienna