Cold Moon in Vienna ウイーンのコールドムーン

Today is the 30th of December. I heard that a full moon in December is called “Cold Moon”. When I took this picture, an elder pedestrian spoke to me and said “You may make a wish”. We all wished each other a wonderful New Year and good luck and parted ways. I found this short conversation quite nice and pleasant.

Always when I see the moon, I get a feeling that I want to talk to it. This feeling is maybe not only my own. The moon is always so close to us and seems so familiar. I find it somehow filled with meaning that we are able to see such a beautiful moon at the end of the year. I find it especially mystic … From my mouth the following words flowed spontaneously “Thank you, moon. Stay with us please forever…”


 お月様が出ているのを見ると、私はいつも月に話しかけたくなります。きっとこんな気持ちになるのは私ひとりではないと思います。お月様はいつも私たちの傍にいるので、親しみを感じます。1年の終わりにこのような美しい月を見ることができるのは、何か意味がありそうに思います。とても神秘的… 思わず私は呟きます「ありがとう、お月様。いつまでも私たちの傍にいてね…」。

Picture by Yuka Simeno, December 30th 2020 in Vienna