Today’s pictures of Vienna 今日のウイーンの写真

For a couple of days the temperature in Vienna was quite agreeable. I heard that from tomorrow it will get much colder for some time. Before the change in weather I went out for a walk today. In the beginning it was sunny and mild but slowly it became overcast and later I heard rain falling. Finally the trees started to blossom and green leaves came out. They have to endure some colder days now.


A flying Lippizan over the courtyard of the Spanish Riding School.
Fountain at Maria-Theresienplatz.
Usually there are many people arounds such as tourists but now there are only a few people around. Despite that, it is now compulsory to wear a mask here. A policeman told me to put on a mask, but is that really necessary here?
マリア テレジア広場の噴水。
Flower bed in front of a restaurant. Sadly due to the lcokdown this restaurant is closed. These flowers could delight the eyes of many people buit now they blossom lonely.

Pictures by Yuka Simeno, April 12th 2021 in Vienna