In Vienna the weather has been nice for some days now. Daytime maximum temperature has been above 20 degrees with a blue sky… Many people are about and surely they have the same feeling as I of wanting to enjoy the rest of Summer. It is a somewhat mixed feeling of being pressured to be active on one side but accepting defeat on the other hand. Somewhat painful but also kind of sweet… Of course Summer will return eventually and thinking about that one gets calmed. One feels that we live in cycles of seasons…
ウイーンではこのところ良いお天気が続いています。最高気温は20度を超え、清々しい青い空… 誰もが私と同じように、残りの夏を楽しもうとしているようです。何となく、焦りと諦めの感情が混ざり合っている気がします。痛いけれどもちょっと甘いような感じ… もちろん、夏はまた巡ってくるわけで、それを思うと心が落ち着きます。私達はみんな、季節の循環の中に生きているのだと、しみじみ感じます。
A new big hanging object appeared over the central square at Museumsquartier. Depending on the light and the weather, the colours appear different and it is quite beautiful.
Now is the chance to cool down in the mist.
Pictures by Yuka Simeno, September 2021 in Vienna
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