Advent season at Westbahnhof Vienna クリスマス前のウイーン西駅

Big tree with big decorations.

After quite a long time my husband and I visited Vienna’s Westbahnhof. During lockdown many shops are closed but we thought we should do some exercise for our health. It is already quite cold and Westbahnhof has a large indor area for some window shopping. Also my husband likes trains and we wanted to have some hot coffee while looking at trains. There were hardly any people on the platforms. We were not afraid of Covid but the wind was very strong and cold. That’s why, after some time, we went back into the station. Because of lockdown there are fewer people around but nevertheless the station was decorated for Christrmas season. We took some pictures and then returned home. Outside the wind had grown even stronger and felt really cold. Because of the wind strength I was almost blown away. A person on a bicycle at a pedestrian crossing even fell over because of it. Fortunately some people hepled that person get back up. It is said there exists now a new variant called “omicron”, which is quite uncertain and sounds somewhat eerie. Almost as though the weather too wanted to intimidate us…


 外は 風が更に強さを増し、すごく寒く感じました。私は強風に煽られ、吹き飛ばされそうになったほどです。横断歩道を渡っていた自転車が風で転倒し、他の人が助け起こしてあげていました。コロナの新しい変異である「オミクロン」が広がりつつあるとのこと。不安だし、名前も不気味な響きに感じます。お天気までもが私達を脅かしているようです。

Smaller Christmas trees.
Flower shop at Westbahnhof
selling Christmas-like plants too.

Pictures by Yuka Simeno (except the first one), November 30, 2021 in Vienna