children can play a little in the park.
For many days in a row, the sky showed an ugly face here in Vienna. The temperatures were not very low, it often rained and especially the wind was very strong. Every day it was dark and continuously hearing the wind was quite depressing. But today finally the wind had subsided and the pretty blue sky was visible. Often people call it being “weather sensitive” and I thought this was just imagination. But since I feel so much better today, I think now that people are indeed influenced by the weather. Only the temperature is unusually high for a February in Vienna. The weather forecast predicts a maximum of about 6 to 10 degrees Celsius for the coming few days. I think it is very nice to feel Spring approaching but I also miss snowy days. Do I demand too much?
Picture by Yuka Simeno, Febuary 4 2022 in Vienna
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