Brewery restaurant in Viennaウィーンのビールレストラン

Some days ago when I went on a late Summer stroll with my husband, by chance we foud an ad for lunch at a brewery. It seemed rather good value for a meal and we decided to eat there. Usually I do not like to drink beer, but I can drink dark beer however and so I ordered that. It is a brewery and naturally all beers are made in-house. My expectation was high and was not disappointed. The taste was not too sweet and rather pleasant to drink as well as not too cold either. That way one can understand the taste and for me as a classical singer too cold drinks are not really recommended for my voice. For the first time in my life I found the taste delicious. My husband ordered a light-coloured beer which I tasted as well. How delicious that one tasted as well! Delicious and mild. We heard the light one is unfiltered and so I think the taste develops well. I feel as though beer tenderly enveloped my throat. It is said that beer is good for the voice and on that day I could really believe it.


Gulasch with Semmelknödel, my husband had grilled chicken with potato salad.


Courtyard floor is tiled with old bricks. 中庭の床は、昔の煉瓦でできています。

Huge beer pot. 巨大なビール樽。

Another huge beer pot. Many bags of malt lying around. ビール樽と、モルツの入った袋。

At the entrance, homemade bottled beers are available. 出入り口にはビールの自動販売機があります。

Next to the vending machine there is a bottle opener. その横には栓抜きも設置されています。

Pictures by Yuka Simeno, September 2023 in Vienna.