Mozart Statue today 今日のモーツァルト像
The season of “Der wunderschöne Monat Mai” (the beautiful month of May) has arrived again. After a long time I visited Burggarten next to Hofburg and enjoyed the wonderul nature there. Here you can see some pictures.

Under the spledid oak tree 立派なオークの木の下で。

Looking up, it is a giant tree. As though the leaves stretching up over each other toward the infinite sky.上を見上げて。素晴らしい大きな木です。葉が、天に向かって永遠に重なっているかのようです。

Another oak tree next to the pond. 池のほとりにある、他のオークの木。

Impressive branches. 枝が特徴的です。

Palmenhaus ahead. 向こうに見えるのは「パルメンハウス」。

No idea which bush it is. この灌木は何ていうのでしょう。
Pictures by Yuka Simeno (except the ones showing myself), May 5th 2024 in Vienna.
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