Bitter memory of Vanilla ヴァニラの苦い想い出

This is called “Topfencreme Vanilla flavour”.
It is a cold sweet available at supermarkets in Austria.
In this picture black dots of Vanilla are clearly visible.

When I was a child, my family often visited my father’s birthhouse, located in Aki city, a small town about 80km East of Kochi city. Since my father came from a rather large family, there were often Buddhist memorial services for ancestors or weddings. Therefore many relatives often gathered in that house. A great pleasure was that many relatives’ children about my age also came. Back then we children all lived in Kochi city, which is the principal city of that prefecture and also for us it was quite attractive to enjoy the small town atmosphere. Especially the Pacific Ocean was so appealing, it could be reached from the house in about 10 Minutes and also from the first floor the blue horizon was visible. Kochi city is also located near the ocean but not as close and people without cars feel it to be quite far away. For small children, the coastline was often a destination for school trips by bus. That is why the time in Aki with the ocean in about a 10 Minute walking distance was like a dream.

One day all of us got some pocket money and were told to go for a walk by ourselves and since it was Summer we could get ice cream as well. We were very happy and went towards the ocean. Close to the coast we found a very small shop which had a freezer in front of it. This house was simple, made from wood and very small. We decided to buy ice cream there and each one got one cup of Vanilla ice cream. Walking on, we wanted to eat that ice cream but one of us shouted “Stop! There is mold on it”. Therefore we all looked at our cups of ice cream and all of us found black dots in the white cream. The child who originally alerted us to that fact said “All cups have those black dots. It is mold. We must not eat it!”. And so we discarded our cups in a trash bin on the street. Back then I did not think it was a pity but rather I was shocked and happy that one of us had noticed it.

Much later one day I again found “mold” as black dots on Vanilla ice cream. I had eaten Vanilla ice cream so many times but that day my previous memory was awakened again. I got scared and told my mother about moldy Vanilla ice cream with black dots. She then told me the unexpected words “Yuka, those black dots are real Vanilla”. I was really shocked and could not understand what that was supposed to mean. Until I had finally seen someone on TV extracting the marrow from a Vanilla pod, it took again a long time. Not knowing truly is a pity. That small shop in Aki in fact sold real Vanilla ice cream! Now I find it a pity and I regret throwing my Ice cream cup away that day…




Picture by Yuka Simeno

Days of remembering our ancestors お盆

In Buddhism, now are the days of remembering our ancestors and the deceased. This time is called “Obon”. I, too, from Vienna give lots of thought towards my ancestors with my hands folded together saying “Namu Amida Butsu”.

I think of my ancestors as far back as I can remember, like my grandfather and grandmothers and also those ancestors I never got to meet in person. Especially strong is my memory of my mother, she always was such a positive influence on me and she was my idol and aspiration. How much I love her! I think as a child that was very fortunate. There are also those people without contact to their mothers or having a bad relationship with them. Sadly my mother passed away in 2011 but my memories of her are still so clear and present.

It is so interesting, recently I am surprised how similar my talkníng voice is to my mother’s. Not always but sometimes I really think that way. Also when I am at home in Japan picking up the phone, sometimes the callers were surprised saying “Is that really you, Yuka? Your voice is so similar to your mother’s and I thought she might be alive again”. I also noticed that my cough is similar to hers. Genetics is interesting.




Picture by Dieter Pasching, July 2018 at Mito Kairakuen.

Summer view of an exit at Westbahnhof Vienna 或る夏の日のウィーン西駅出入り口の風景

Every day here in Vienna it is hot. The picture above shows one exit at Westbahnhof Vienna (West station Vienna). Some years ago this square was renovated into some kind of Piazza and people like to rest here. By the way I believe those cats are not stray cats. I presume the owner is the city of Vienna. They used to be in another location on Mariahilferstrasse but because of Subway construction (U2) they were forced to relocate. Besides cats on Mariahilferstrasse there are also rabbit and frog figures. They are cute decorations on the street and people can even sit on them. Especially children enoy them. I think it is a popular and good idea.


Picture by Yuka Simeno, July 2022 in Vienna

Thinking of Sour cherries ぐいみへの想い

Red is sour cherry sorbet,
the other is blood orange with cumin and chili.

Here in Vienna it is quite hot every day, daytime maximums are above 30 degrees Celsius almost every day. When it is that hot, people like to eat something cold. That is why I decided to go to an ice cream shop near my place. It is a small shop selling interesting selfmade creations. Unfortunately this year I have noticed many prices of ice cream going up and this shop is no exception. However due to the uniqueness of those creations it serves as a delicacy to be enjoyed rarely and that makes it even more precious. At this shop I found a never before seen beautiful red colour type. It was the rare type Weichsel (Sour cherry/Vistula). I instantly decided to get this flavour.

In my house’s garden in Kochi,Japan there is an old sour cherry tree. It is very old and thin now but a long time ago it was gorgeous and during rainy season bore many beautful fruits. Ever since I was a small child, I witnessed this tree’s growth. My sour cherry tree does not grow tall but stays rather low with widespread branches. Every year I crawled under it and picked many fruits. Those fruits were such beautiful red, glittered almost like jewels to my eyes and it was almost a shame to eat them. Those fruits however could not be described fully as “tastes good” because they had a bitter aftertaste. After sweet pleasure one felt the mouth contracting and had to overcome that sensation. My mother also said one should not eat too many because it may not be good for digestion. Nevertheless for us that tree was very special and positive, because my grandfather (mother’s side) had bought it.

My grandfather (mother’s side) died when I was about three years old and so unfortunately I have almost no memories with him. I heard many stories about him from my mother. According to her I understood he was a great romantic, art lover and especially loved his family. Being entirely self-taught he could play piano, violin, flute and Japanese flute! He also wrote many poems (Haiku) in Japanese style. My mother told me about so many memories how much he had loved me. Sadly I cannot remember exactly but vaguely warmly I still feel that love.

I heard the sour cherry tree in my garden in Kochi was originally brought by my grandfather and so “Weichsel” (sour cherry) is special. When I see or eat “Weichsel” I always feel my soul being filled with consolation and I feel my grandfather’s aura. That “Weichsel” sorbet was so delicious with a natural taste. Its sweet and sour cold was a wonderful refreshment to me being out of breath because of the heat. I felt my grandfather happily watching me with a smile on his face.


*高知の私の家の庭に、一本のぐいみの木があります。もう随分のご老体で、すっかり痩せてしまいました。しかし、昔はとても立派に茂っていて、梅雨の頃にはたくさん実をつけました。私は、小さな頃からこの木を見ているので、共に育ったような感じです。木は、あまり高くならず、横に拡がっていき、毎年、私は下からもぐり込むようにして入り、実を採っていました。輝く赤い美しい実は、私の目にはまるで宝石のようで、食べるのがもったいなかったです。しかし、 この実は手放しで「美味しい」とは言えないと思います。なぜなら、渋い後味が残るからです。甘い喜びの後に口を窄めてしまいます。また、母は、お腹にあまり良くないから、たくさん食べないように、と注意してくれていました。しかしながら、私たちにとってこの木は、とても大切で喜ばしいのでした。なぜなら、祖父(母の父)が買ってきた木だからです。



Pictures by Yuka Simeno, July 2022 in Vienna

Hot again in Vienna また暑くなったウィーン

Since a few days ago it has gotten quite hot again in Vienna. Daytime maximums are constantly above 30 degrees Celsius. I thought that if it is so hot, I should enjoy it and so I dared to go for a walk.


Way to Mariahilfer church.
In front of Mariahilfer church.
Carrot juice vendor.
In the background outdoor covid test station is visible.
Up to 5 PCR tests and 5 antigen tests per person
and month can be made for free in Austria
(some exceptions apply).
Cool down break at a supermarket.
Fresh flowers give me vitality.

Pictures by Yuka Simeno (except the first one), July 22nd 2022 in Vienna.

Cherries from Styria シュタイヤマルクの桜桃

Now is cherry season in Austria. Please look at the picture abvove. Are they not gorgeous? Those are cherries from Styria, one of the southern provinces of Austria. At a supermarket in Vienna

, they are sold in a large plastic bag and the customer has to put them on the scales to know the exact weight and price. These have a weight of 1162 grams and cost 6.96 Euro. Fortunately I had a 25% discount coupon and so I could buy them at a much cheaper price. For Japanese people this weight and price is extremely astounding. At home I immediately tasted a few, they are firm, juicy and sweet! I can savour this delicacy for many days in a row.


Picture by Yuka Simeno, July 18th 2022 in Vienna.

Cooled down Vienna 涼しくなったウィーン

Here in Vienna, the recent heatwave lasting some days is over now and suddenly it has become a little cool. During daytime as well one needs some sleeved clothes. Flowers and trees in the city that were breathless because of the recent heat now sway in the cool breeze.


Pictures by Yuka Simeno, July 10th 2022 in Vienna.