Brewery restaurant in Viennaウィーンのビールレストラン

Some days ago when I went on a late Summer stroll with my husband, by chance we foud an ad for lunch at a brewery. It seemed rather good value for a meal and we decided to eat there. Usually I do not like to drink beer, but I can drink dark beer however and so I ordered that. It is a brewery and naturally all beers are made in-house. My expectation was high and was not disappointed. The taste was not too sweet and rather pleasant to drink as well as not too cold either. That way one can understand the taste and for me as a classical singer too cold drinks are not really recommended for my voice. For the first time in my life I found the taste delicious. My husband ordered a light-coloured beer which I tasted as well. How delicious that one tasted as well! Delicious and mild. We heard the light one is unfiltered and so I think the taste develops well. I feel as though beer tenderly enveloped my throat. It is said that beer is good for the voice and on that day I could really believe it.


Gulasch with Semmelknödel, my husband had grilled chicken with potato salad.


Courtyard floor is tiled with old bricks. 中庭の床は、昔の煉瓦でできています。

Huge beer pot. 巨大なビール樽。

Another huge beer pot. Many bags of malt lying around. ビール樽と、モルツの入った袋。

At the entrance, homemade bottled beers are available. 出入り口にはビールの自動販売機があります。

Next to the vending machine there is a bottle opener. その横には栓抜きも設置されています。

Pictures by Yuka Simeno, September 2023 in Vienna.

Late summer stroll in Vienna 晩夏のウィーンの散歩

Flower beds in Neubaugasse. Already plants look like Fall season. ノイバウ通りの花壇。秋らしい草花。

Today the weather in Vienna was very beautiful. Starting in the morning my husband and I went shopping. When we left our arpartment it was very nice and cool outside but later it became quite hot. Nevertheless somehow the air of Fall can be felt. We continued walking around the 7th district, below you can see some pictures.


After some time we visited Museumsquartier. In the main square the well known benches have partly been removed and new plants have arrived. These plants are temporary and have been designed to be transportable.


One part of the square features flowerbeds and seating. MQに置かれた植物の一部分。

Beautiful flowers in their flowerbed. 美しい花壇の花

Trees in front of Leopold Museum have partly turned brown. レオポルト美術館前。木の葉には、すでに少し茶色になった部分が見られます。

Pictures by Yuka Simeno (except the last one), September 11th 2023 in Vienna.

Air of Autumn in Vienna 秋の気配がするウィーン

Stephansdom シュテファン寺院

I gained another year. Yesterday my husband and I went to a restaurant for my birthday dinner. Acccording to the old calendar (originally from China) it is already Autumn and I think the weather in Vienna now affirms belief in it. It has suddenly gotten much cooler. Here you can see some pictures from yesterday.


Restaurant in Judengasse レストラン内部

View outside the restaurant. レストラン前

Kornhäuselturm コルンホイゼル塔

Pictures by Yuka Simeno, August 29th 2023 in Vienna

Summer walk in the first district of Vienna ウィーン1区夏の散歩

Finally it is really hot in Vienna. Since the weather forecast was good for the whole day, I left early to walk a bit through the first district of Vienna. The picture above is the newly renovated Austrian parliament.


Opposite the parliament is “Volksgarten”. Hydrangeas are blossoming.


Chestnut tree at Volksgarten already carries young chestnuts.


Side entrance of National Theatre (Burgtheater) and City Hall on the right side.


Turning away from Burgtheater and City Hall, remains of the old city wall can be seen. Beyond that wall used to be Vienna city.


Remains of City wall on the right side and opposite Vienna University can be seen.


Monument honouring women clearing the rubble of destroyed buildings during and after World War 2.


Baroque building in the first district. ウィーン1区の、或るバロック建築の家。

Building with interesting facade. Those giant faces impress me.


One of those faces. 顔のひとつ。

Inside the shop of the famous Viennese Patisserie “Demel” this statue made of ice cream cones etc. stands.


I am back at Schmalzhoftempelpark. 帰ってきました。ここは シュマルツホーフテンペル公園。

Black Mulberry tree carrying young fruits. 桑の木が若い実を付けています。

Pictures by Yuka Simeno (except the picture showing me), July 8, 2023 in Vienna.

Plants decorating Viennese Summerウィーンの街を彩る草木

Vienna river and U4 ウィーン川と地下鉄4番

Finally it has gotten hot here in Vienna. Taking a walk in the city many different colourful and varied plants give joy to the eyes. Here I will show you some pictures.


Pictures by Yuka Simeno, June 2023 in Vienna.

June 17th stroll in Vienna 6月17日ウィーンでの散歩

Flower beds at Schmalzhoftempelpark. シュマルツホーフテンペル公園の花壇

Finally the weather in Vienna has become quite stable. Nice and agreeable days. Yesterday Vienna Pride parade took place (Vienna Pride is a festival for LGBTQ). Here in the 6th district it is somewhat far from that event but I felt some power and atmosphere from it. The weather was supportive as well and I assume it all went well. I wanted to enjoy the nice atmosphere and went for a stroll in the 6th district. I saw some people displaying rainbow flags, who presumably participated, on the street. Here you can see some pictures of the 6th district.

 やっとウィーンのお天気が安定しました。気持ちの良い毎日です。昨日は「ヴィエナ プライド(LGBTQの催し)」のパレードがありました。ここ、6区はパレードから少し離れていますが、パワーや雰囲気などを肌身に感じるように思いました。お天気の支援にも恵まれ、きっと素晴らしい催しになったことでしょう。この素敵な雰囲気の中、私は少し、6区を散歩しました。パレードに参加したと思われる、虹の旗を持った人々を幾人か見かけました。6区の写真を少し載せます。

Flower beds close by 公園近くの花壇の花

Beautiful blossoms of a tree 公園の美しい花

Garden of a restaurant 或るレストランの庭

Temperature is higher and dogs become thirsty while taking a walk 気温が高いので、散歩中の犬も喉が乾くのでしょう。

Bridge over Vienna river, railing in Jugendstil design (presumably by Otto Wagner) ウィーン川にかかる橋の、ユーゲントシュティール風の欄干(多分、オットー ヴァーグナーのデザインと推測する)

Pictures by Yuka Simeno, June 17th 2023 in Vienna