Her name is “Eternelle”. From the series “Girls with Dirndl”. 彼女の名前は「エテルネル」。シリーズ「ディアンドルを着た少女たち」より
Picture by Yuka Simeno.
Her name is “Eternelle”. From the series “Girls with Dirndl”. 彼女の名前は「エテルネル」。シリーズ「ディアンドルを着た少女たち」より
Picture by Yuka Simeno.
Summer time has ended and suddenly it feels like the day may be shorter. My husband and I took a late afternoon stroll from Hofburg to MQ square. Evening twilight came and also fog descended on the city. Here you can see some pictures.
Pictures by Yuka Simeno (except the first one).
Many products at flower shops in Vienna already look a lot like Winter. Wreaths displayed in front of the shops remind us that even Advent is coming soon. Christmas styled plants are also here!
Pictures by Yuka Simeno. October 22 in Vienna.
Pictures by Yuka Simeno, October 2022 in Vienna
At the beginning of October after a long time, my husband and I visited Italy again. Our voice teacher of classical music lives in Piemonte province. This time it was again very instructive as well as impactful and we are very grateful. Also the weather was quite beautiful and we could really enjoy our time there. The sun was still very strong and during daytime it was even hot with clean air and beautiful nature. We wanted to stay longer.
Pictures copyright Yuka Simeno
It has gotten quite cold here in Vienna. People need warm sweaters already. From the series “Girls with sweaters”.
Picture by Yuka Simeno
At Esterhazypark under a chestnut tree.
It has gotten much cooler here in Vienna. Going out, a jacket is necessary now. Already under chestnut trees I can find fallen nuts. Every year it is a great pleasure for me to collect some of those, I like to take them home, use them as table decoration and look at them. They provide pleasure for some days.
Picture September 19 in Vienna
Renovations at Loquaiplatz are progressing. Flowerbeds are already covered with white pebblestones. Yesterday those flowers and weeds were not fully planted and like a magic trick today a beautiful flowerbed appeared.
Pictures by Yuka Simeno
Her name is Minnesota. She was adopted by another family. I hope she has a good home. All the best, Minnesota! From the series “Klasse kunterbunt” (sold).
この子はミネソタといいます。他の家の養女となりました。きっといい環境だろうと思います。ミネソタ、幸せにね! シリーズ「色とりどり組」より(売)
Picture by Yuka Simeno
When I recently walked along the shopping street Mariahilferstrasse, I noticed something. I thought I saw light shining through the facade of a building. When I moved closer to take a look, it became obvious that behind the facade was a hollow space and brightness from the other side was visible. Looking up one can even see the blue sky through the windows! This building has only the facade and a shop on the ground floor, otherwise it is completely hollow! Will this building be reconstructed without disturbing the shop activity? Or is it because of “Denkmalschutz”? “Denkmalschutz” means that important cultural heritage monuments, buildings, etc. must not be demolished and are protected by law against this. Maybe this facade is protected by “Denkmalschutz” and therefore only the facade and shop are left and the rest of it was demolished to be rebuilt?
Picture by Yuka Simeno, August 20th 2022 in Vienna.
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