Yuka Simeno Puppe des Monats August 2019 示野由佳 今月の手作り人形 8月

Water Yo-yo (from the series “Yukata Girls”).

Water Yo-yo is a typical toy for Summer in Japan. That is a small balloon filled with a little bit of water, bound to one finger with a rubber strap, and can be bounced up and down. While playing, the sound of water splashing inside the balloon can be heard which is enrtaining. I prefer watching it over actually playing with it. Colours and patterns of water yo-yos are so many and quite beautiful. Often at summer street festivals there are some yo-yos floating on water in order to be sold. When I was little, in front of a department store in my home town, there was a man selling water yo-yos on the street. It was a great pleasure to see many yo-yos with many different colours floating on the water. When my parents bought one for me, my happiness was limitless. I remember walking between my father and mother and sometime I wanted to hold their hands, lifting my feet up in the air. Yes I was really young and I remember it with a smile on my face.

小さかった頃、故郷高知の或るデパート前の道端で、ヨーヨーが売られていることがありました。銀色の大きくて浅い水槽の中に浮かぶ色とりどりのヨーヨー… ひとつでも買ってもらえた時は、この上なく嬉しかったです。お街に出る日は特別な感じがして、うきうき気分。片手を父、もう片手を母と繋ぎ、3人で歩いている最中に、ぐっと両手に力を入れます。そして両膝を折り曲げ、足を地面から離して、父と母の間にぶらさがるのが面白くてたまりませんでした。本当に私は小さかったんだなあ、と思い出すと笑ってしまいます。とても幸せな思い出です。   シリーズ「浴衣ガールズ」より

Yuka Simeno Puppe des Monats Juli 2019 示野由佳 今月の手作り人形 7月

No matter whether I am sad or feeling lonely, she takes me to an island which gives me peace and hope. I get a feeling that I can hear the sound of the ocean together with her. From the series “Island Girls”.

悲しい日も、孤独な日も、この子は私を、和と希望に溢れる島に連れて行ってくれます。この子と一緒に、海の音を聞いているような気持ちになります。    シリーズ「アイランド ガールズ」より

Yuka Simeno Puppe des Monats Juni 2019 示野由佳 今月の手作り人形 6月

She is regarded as naughty. She is thinking about which prank to do. But in reality she wants to make people laugh and she is a purveyor of peace. (Sold)


Yuka Simeno handmade dolls at “Die Liebenden”「ディー リーベンデン」にて手作り人形展

March 30th at “Die Liebenden” in Vienna, there was an exhibition event featuring my hndmade dolls. I was so happy that many people came to visit and it was a wonderful experience. Starting today for some time,this selection of dolls is on display representing my entire collection. If you are interested and would like to buy, then you can go inside and look at the catalog, which shows all available dolls.

Die Liebenden (Weinhandlung, Kunstraum, Verein)

Gumpendorfer Strasse 93/3-5,   1060 Wien

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday   16:00 – 21:00

Friday, Saturday   13:00 – 21:00


先日、3月30日は、ウィーン6区の「ディー リーベンデン」にて、私の手作り人形展が行われました。いらしてくださった方々、企画の方、スタッフの皆様に心から御礼申し上げます。尚、展示会は終了していますが、暫くの間、「ディー リーベンデン」にて人形の購入が可能です。ご希望の方は上記までお問い合わせくださいませ。

Yuka Simeno Puppe des Monats März 2019 示野由佳 今月の手作り人形 3月

It is getting much warmer. Do violets blossom where you are? Her name is “Veilchen” (violet). (Sold)  From the series “Klasse kunterbunt”   だいぶ暖かくなりました。あなたのところで、もう、すみれは咲いていますか?この子の名前は「すみれ」です。(売) シリーズ「色とりどり組」より

Yuka Simeno Handmade dolls exhibition “Cherry Blossom”示野由佳手作り人形展「桜の花」

As I have announced before, on March 30th starting from 18:00 there will be an exhibition featuring my handmade dolls. If you are in Vienna or in the area, I would be delighted to see you there. It is a special event only on this date.


Exhibition of handmade dolls Yuka Simeno / Ausstellung handgemachter Puppen Yuka Simeno 示野由佳 手作り人形展

March 30th, 2019, starting from 18:00 in the 6th district of Vienna there will be an exhibition of my dolls. Detailed information will follow.

30. März 2019 ab 18:00 im 6. Wiener Gemeindebezirk findet eine Ausstellung meiner Puppen statt. Genaue Details folgen noch.

2019年3月30日18時より ウィーン6区にて、私の手作り人形展が開催されます。詳しくは、後日、公開致します。