“Let’s walk to “Joe sama”. Often when going for a walk in the city of Vienna we say those words. “Joe sama” means the statue of Josef Haydn in front of Mariahilfer church. Since his first name is “Josef” we call him “Joe sama” with sympathy and respect.
Some time ago there was a scaffolding around this statue and it looked like there was a professional cleaning to be done. And finally the scaffolding is gone and we can meet “Joe sama” again! How white and beautiful he has become! His face looks fresh too and we are very happy.
By the way, he used to be very popular with doves. Always one or two used to sit on his hand, shoulder or head. Strangely, we now see no doves sitting on fresh “Joe sama”. Is that doves showing respect for the cleaning job? Is his beauty so radiant that doves dare not approach him? I am sorry but I cannot imagine doves being so intelligent. Maybe some dove repellant was applied?
「ジョー様の所まで行こう」。夫とウイーンの街を散歩する時、よく、こう提案します。「ジョー様」とは、マリアヒルファー教会の前に建つヨーゼフ ハイドン像のことです。名前の「ヨーゼフ」は、英語読みでは「ジョゼフ」なので、私たちは親しみと敬意を込めてこう呼んでいます。
Until now the pen was not as obvious,
maybe because of the dirt.
Pictures by Yuka Simeno (except the first one).
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