Hello Mr. Haydn! ハイドンさん、こんにちは!

Clean again.
Picture taken before the cleaning.

“Let’s walk to “Joe sama”. Often when going for a walk in the city of Vienna we say those words. “Joe sama” means the statue of Josef Haydn in front of Mariahilfer church. Since his first name is “Josef” we call him “Joe sama” with sympathy and respect.

Some time ago there was a scaffolding around this statue and it looked like there was a professional cleaning to be done. And finally the scaffolding is gone and we can meet “Joe sama” again! How white and beautiful he has become! His face looks fresh too and we are very happy.

By the way, he used to be very popular with doves. Always one or two used to sit on his hand, shoulder or head. Strangely, we now see no doves sitting on fresh “Joe sama”. Is that doves showing respect for the cleaning job? Is his beauty so radiant that doves dare not approach him? I am sorry but I cannot imagine doves being so intelligent. Maybe some dove repellant was applied?

 「ジョー様の所まで行こう」。夫とウイーンの街を散歩する時、よく、こう提案します。「ジョー様」とは、マリアヒルファー教会の前に建つヨーゼフ ハイドン像のことです。名前の「ヨーゼフ」は、英語読みでは「ジョゼフ」なので、私たちは親しみと敬意を込めてこう呼んでいます。



From this angle the pen in his right hand is clearly visible.
Until now the pen was not as obvious,
maybe because of the dirt.

Pictures by Yuka Simeno (except the first one).

Reflection in a window 窓に映った景色

I actually wanted to take a picture of those beautifdul flowers. While I was doing that, I noticed the reflection of the street behind me in the window. I was happy because I like such coincidences. Here it is! This window has a reflecting surface and one cannot look inside. That is why the reflection is so clear. I stand outside but it looks like I am looking through the window to the outside. I find such optical illusions funny and I love them.


Picture by Yuka Simeno, October 2021 in Vienna

Last weekend of September in Vienna 2021 2021年ウイーン9月最後の週末

The leaves in colours showing Fall
make Mozart look serenely handsome.

This past weekend was the last one in September and quite blessed by beautiful weather. Temperatures were well above 20 degrees and it felt very comfortable. Many people were out and about seeming to enjoy the beautiful weather as “last chance”. I also went for a long walk. Below you can see some pictures.


Pond in Burggarten.
Already there are yellow leaves
floating on the water surface.
Flower beds on the street full of Fall colours.
I found a chestnut!

Pictures by Yuka Simeno (except the last one), September 25 and 26, 2021 in Vienna

Embracing tree しがみつく木

Look at this picture. A tree is embracing a streetlight pole! I sometimes come to this park but until now I had only noticed the tree itself. I know that there are plants raking around things and I find this to be one funny example.


In German it is written “Trichtertrompete”. The Latin botanical name is “Campsis radicans”.

 ドイツ語では"トリヒタートロンペーテ"。"トリヒター"は「じょうご」、"トロンペーテ"は「トランペット」のことだと思います。ラテン語名は"カンプシス ラディカンス"。

Behind the tree you can see “Haus des Meeres”. During wartime this building was used for anti-aircraft-cannons.It was so massively built that it was extremely hard to demolish. In Vienna there are some buildings of this kind. This one in the 6th district was renovated and was converted to an Aquarium.

  木の後ろに見えている建物は「ハウス デス メーレス(海の家)」といいます。第二次世界大戦中造られた、敵軍の戦闘機を撃ち落とすための建造物です。非常に頑丈に造られているため、取り壊すことが困難だとか。ウイーンにはこのような建造物がいくつか残されています。この、6区のものは、中を改造し、「水族館」として再利用されています。

Pictures by Yuka Simeno, September 2021 in Vienna

My favourite pond in Vienna ウイーンで一番好きな池

This pond is close to the U2 station “Krieau”. The area was newly constructed and there are offices, Hotels, Vienna exhibition, etc. and also some residential properties. This pond was constructed together with the surrounding area. This place is called “Viertel Zwei”. It was designed quite well and between modern buildings this pond seems like an oasis. I sometimes go there to sit close to the pond under willow trees to listen to music, read some books and spend some time. Of course I can only do that during warm seasons and so in Winter I do not come here. Recently I came here and thought how many more times I could come. You can see some pictures of the area where I took the pictures that day.


Typical plants in Fall season

Pictures by Yuka Simeno, September 2021 in Vienna

Prater at the end of Summer 夏の終わりのプラター公園

In Vienna it is still nice and warm weather. My husband and I after some time went to Prater again for a walk. Because it was a regular weekday and school had started already, there were not too many people around. I almost never get on any fast rides, I have no courage for that. I do however like to watch others get tortured by those machines. I do not understand that feeling but I see that those people enjoy themselves on the rides and that makes me happy. We went slowly through Prater and savoured the atmosphere. Below you can see some pictures.


All children love ponies.
Vivid colours are typical for amusement parks.

Pictures by Yuka Simeno, September 14th 2021 in Vienna

For the end of Summer 夏の終わりに

In Vienna the weather has been nice for some days now. Daytime maximum temperature has been above 20 degrees with a blue sky… Many people are about and surely they have the same feeling as I of wanting to enjoy the rest of Summer. It is a somewhat mixed feeling of being pressured to be active on one side but accepting defeat on the other hand. Somewhat painful but also kind of sweet… Of course Summer will return eventually and thinking about that one gets calmed. One feels that we live in cycles of seasons…

 ウイーンではこのところ良いお天気が続いています。最高気温は20度を超え、清々しい青い空… 誰もが私と同じように、残りの夏を楽しもうとしているようです。何となく、焦りと諦めの感情が混ざり合っている気がします。痛いけれどもちょっと甘いような感じ… もちろん、夏はまた巡ってくるわけで、それを思うと心が落ち着きます。私達はみんな、季節の循環の中に生きているのだと、しみじみ感じます。

A new big hanging object appeared over the central square at Museumsquartier. Depending on the light and the weather, the colours appear different and it is quite beautiful.


Now is the chance to cool down in the mist.


Pictures by Yuka Simeno, September 2021 in Vienna

Ivy invasion 蔦の侵略

Here in Vienna Summer is almost over. Ivy grew tremendously, its lush green is beautiful. But soon the colour will change, leaves will fall… To me it looks like Ivy holding on to Summer…

 ここウイーンでは、夏はもう終わりに近づいています。蔦が力強く繁り、その緑が美しいです。しかし、じきに色が変わり始め、やがて葉は落ちる… 私には、蔦が夏にしがみついているように見える気がします…

Even the Escape Room billboard gets invaded by Ivy. If Fall does not come soon, one cannot escape…


I look forward to Ivy turning into red and I want to enjoy the changing of colour until the leaves fall.


Pictures by Yuka Simeno, September 2021 in Vienna

What flower beds tell us 花壇が告げてくれること

Flower beds on the streets in Vienna are so pretty. Those types are quite new and perhaps last year they had their debut. Many different types of plants were planted and each season their growth shows are the passing of seasons. I think the choice of plants is quite clever and well thought out. In Spring the first types emerge from the soil, grow and then blossoms come out, other plants emerge… Passing by, one can make new discoveries and this brings joy to our eyes. Plants grow and slowly we transition to barren Winter. Even though it is in the city, the cycles of nature become visible and can be felt. Plants are integrated naturally into the city which calms our senses. And right now flower beds are already beginning to show the face of Fall…

 ウイーンの道端の花壇はとても素敵です。新しいスタイルの花壇で、昨年ぐらいからのお目見えです。いろんな種類の植物が、その成長で、私たちに移りゆく季節を教えてくれます。植物の種類がとても素敵で、よく考えて選ばれていると思います。春に一番のりで芽を出した植物が育っていき、やがて花を咲かせる頃、次の種類が伸び上がってくる… 通りかかる度に新しい発見が私たちの目を楽しませてくれます。植物は成長し、盛え、そして枯れて冬に戻る。街の中であっても、自然の循環を目の当たりし、感じることができるのです。植物が私たちの生活に溶け込み、心を慰めてくれます。そして今、花壇は秋を垣間見せているようです。

The door in the background is pretty, Jugendstil I suppose.向
A short break surrounded by flowers

Pictures by Yuka Simeno (except the last one), September 2021 in Vienna