Studying European music 西洋音楽を学ぶ

Since my childhood I wanted to become a musician of classical European music. Back then it was still the era of radio and records. I listened a lot, recorded to tape and listened again. Also I tried to attend as many live performances as possible. Luckily I always received my parents‘ support which eventually enabled me to come to Europe to study. I graduated from „Opernschule“ and „Operettenlehrgang“ at Konservatorium Wien (now called MUK). I am so happy to have come to Vienna, not only because of this university but also everything I came in contact with provided an opportunity to learn. I really feel that music is not only „music“ but rather a combination of many elements. The music is inseparable from the culture , environment, etc. it emerged out of. Also Vienna‘s attractive side, which is called city of music, is that so much international culture can be experienced here. This way I could study well here, for which I am truly grateful. For about ten years now I have been studying with Signora Fiorenza Cossotto in Italy, which is a fortune also bestowed upon me by Vienna. From Vienna I visit her and every time I am fascinated by her deep knowledge and personality. I am so glad and thankful.


In Italy again 再びイタリア

Beautiful Alps 美しいアルプス

My husband and I went to Italy again, because our voice teacher lives in Piemonte (Northern Italy). This time we again learned a lot and are quite satisfied. Piemonte has a different climate than Vienna, where we live. Nature, cities, people… we see many differences which is very interesting. Every time we think it is good to come here.


Also the groceries at the supermarket are interesting. This lemon is so gorgeous… スーパーマーケットの商品にも違いがあります。何て立派なレモン!

Pictures taken February 2025 in Piemonte, Italy.

Irresistible allure 自分の中から湧き上がる何か

Again a new year has begun. At the beginning 2025 I did some thinking and then it became clear to me that at every start of a new year I was the same.

Actually it is difficult for me to understand, but one thing is clear that from within I feel the urge to put something into form. This urge has always accompanied me and as long back as I can remember and maybe until my last day it will be like this.

For many many years I have occupied myself with European music, which fulfilled this urge to a large degree and always has been a source of joy. Such kind of “traditional art” one cannot play according to one’s own liking, it has many rules and a long and rich history based on life, climate, language, religion, etc. Since I appreciate and respect that fact, I came to Vienna in order to engage in deeper studies. I am quite satisfied that I have continuously deepened and broadened my studies. For that reason I feel confidence to pass on my knowledge and experience to others.

Another way of making dolls I have neither a teacher nor have I studied that craft. Through music on the other hand I would like to freely express myself.





Picture by Yuka Simeno, January 12, 2025 in Vienna

Advent atmosphere in Vienna. クリスマス前のウィーン

Statue of Josef Haydn and Christmas tree in front of Mariahilfer Kirche. マリアヒルフ教会前のヨーゼフ・ハイドン像とクリスマスツリー

In front of Haydn Cinema, next to Haydn statue. ハイドン映画館前。ハイドン像側。

Moon with a cold veil. 寒そうなお月様。

Mariahilferstrasse. マリアヒルフ通り。

Christmas tree in front of a bakery. パン屋さん前のクリスマツリー。

Neubaugasse with Bus 13A. ノイバウ通りとバス13A。

Pictures by Yuka Simeno, December 2024 in Vienna.

Autumn leaves in the 6th district of Vienna ウィーン6区の紅葉

Day after day in Vienna Autumn progresses and this can be seen through beautiful and colourful leaves in the city. 日に日に秋が深まるここ、ウィーン。街は紅葉に彩られています。

Oskar Werner Platz. オスカー ヴェルナー広場

Mariahilferstrasse. マリアヒルフ通り

Maple trees in Schmalzhoftempelpark. シュマルツホーフテンペル広場の楓

Pictures by Yuka Simeno, mid October 2024 in Vienna.

Leftover from flooding 洪水の置き土産

Wienfluss (Vienna river) and next to it Underground line U4. The flooding almost reached the top of the wall to the left and at some locations even overflowed. ウィーン川と地下鉄4番。大雨の際、水は境のほぼ一番上まで達していました。所々溢れたということです。

In the middle of September, Austria had persistent rain. Here in Vienna there also was constant rain, which I had never experienced like this before. It was not only depressing but many areas experienced severe flooding. The media called it “once in a century flooding”.

Recently after some time I walked over Reinprechtsdorferbrücke. This bridge connects the 5th and the 6th district over theWienflus and is part of one of my walking courses. When I looked down from the bridge at the Wienfluss I was shocked because many rocks were there which I had not seen before. The only explanation is that they were swept here by the large quantity of water. How mighty nature’s power is that water can carry such big rocks! 



Pictures by Yuka Simeno, September 2024 in Vienna

Familiar Chivasso 懐かしいキヴァッソ

Main street of Chivasso. Lunch break, almost no one out in the street. Wednesday morning there is a market along this street. キヴァッソのメインストリート。昼休み中でほとんど人通りがありません。水曜日の午前中はこの通りに沿って市が立ちます。

After some time we went to Piemonte again for studying vocal technique. This time we stayed in Chivasso. It is an important traffic connection point which is even featured in my Italian language learning book. There is also a history of Irish immigrants here. When one researches it, it might be of interest. 久しぶりに声楽の勉強のため、北イタリア、ピエモンテ州に行きました。今回はキヴァッソという街で宿泊しました。ここは、私のイタリア語の教科書のテキストにも登場する、北イタリアの交通の重要な街の一つです。アイルランドから移住した人達の歴史があり、調べると興味深いと思います。

Pictures by Yuka Simeno, October 1st 2024 in Chivasso, Italy.

Finally blue sky in Vienna やっとウィーンに戻った青空

St. Stephan Cathedral in Vienna ウィーン シュテファン寺院

Finally blue skies have returned to Vienna! A couple of days there was continous cold weather with incessant rain. The usually small and lovely Vienna river (Wienfluß) became a roaring beast. The weather was actually really threatening and even the media called it a “once in a hundred years storm”. Not only Austria was affected but throughout several countries there was severe flooding and subsequent damage. Also in Vienna due to flooding many public transport lines including Subways were not operating. Yesterday finally the weather calmed down and returned to its usual lovely September self. The city center was crowded with happy tourists strolling around.


Graben グラーベン

Pictures by Yuka Simeno. September 18th 2024