Longing for Summer待ち遠しい夏

Here in Vienna, Spring has not fully started. However it appears that people are already thinking about Summer vacation. On Mariahilferstrasse, a famous shopping street in Vienna, a shopwindow already shows bathing suits. Incidentally next door is the entrance to a fitness studio. I think these two might make an excellent mutual advertising effect.


Hydrangea in front of a bakery. Hydrangea in Japan is a typical rainy season flower.


Pictures by Yuka Simeno, April 26th 2023 in Vienna.

Blossoming at Vienna Burggarten花の咲くウィーン王宮庭園


After some time I visited Burggarten in Vienna. There was a lot of lush green and flowers and finally Spring can be enjoyed. 久しぶりにウィーン王宮庭園を訪ねました。若い緑と花を見ることができ、やっと春らしさを実感できました。

Again, Peonies are in full bloom. また、牡丹の花が咲き誇る季節です。

Lilac blossoming as well. ライラックの花も、もう咲いていました。

Pictures by Yuka Simeno (except the last one), April 23rd 2023 in Vienna.

Back to Winter 冬に逆戻り

Flowerbeds at Loquaiplatz,
Daffodils shaking in the cold wind.

Until yesterday it was quite warm here in Vienna, the air of Spring could already be felt. Today however it suddenly got much colder, the wind is strong and cold, one again wants to wear gloves. Flowers and plants are trembling in the wind.


Pretty lemon trees in front of a restaurant,
today they were supposedly taken inside
due to the low temperature outside.
Blossoms appear to feel the cold temperatures.

Pictures by Yuka Simeno, March 27th in Vienna.

Vienna Burggarten after a long time久しぶりのウィーン王宮庭園

Long time no see, Mr. Mozart!
For the first time this year I see Magnolia blossoming
Not really warm yet
but ducks are enjoying swimming in the pond
The Museum of Art history in the background.

Pictures by Yuka Simeno, March 20th 2023 in Vienna

March 10th walk in Vienna. ウィーン3月10日の散歩

Already my favourite ice cream shop “Eisfuchs” (polar fox) is open!
This flavour is called “Lila Kefir”.
Fruity and sweet and sour. Delicious!
この味は「リラ ケフィア」。
Already pretty flowers are blossoming!
New dog zone at Heldenplatz.
Dogs are running around cheerfully.
When I watch them, I get a happy feeling as well.
Kunsthistorisches Museum (Museum of Art History)
viewed from Heldenplatz.
At Heldenplatz.

Pictures by Yuka Simeno (except the one at the bottom), March 10th 2023 in Vienna.

No more compulsory masks in Vienna マスク着用義務が解除されたウィーン

Here in Vienna there is more daylight every day and Spring is knocking on City’s door. Also a sign of freedom has appeared. Since March 1st in Vienna there is no compulsory mask wearing when using public transport. For quite some time people have not been wearing masks on the street and it was quite strenuous to suddenly wear masks when entering public transport vehicles and stations. Yesterday I took subway line 3, there were many people on the train but nobody wore a mask. How long we did not have that situation! But I could not fully enjoy it from my heart because I am still somewhat apprehensive about infection. I think it will be some time before I can freely use public transport without such thoughts.


Music instrument manufacturing shop in Vienna ウィーンの楽器工房

During a walk in Vienna, by chance I found a music instrument manufacturing shop. Double basses (Kontrabass) are produced here. Here in Vienna it is interesting because such diecoveries can be made. Then I think that Vienna deserves the title “city of music”. During dark and cold Winter days, the shop’s light lured me closer and in my head I heard funny double bass sounds warminf my heart.


Pictures by Yuka Simeno, November 2022 in Vienna