Vienna Burggarten in May 5月のウィーン王宮庭園

Mozart Statue today 今日のモーツァルト像

The season of “Der wunderschöne Monat Mai” (the beautiful month of May) has arrived again. After a long time I visited Burggarten next to Hofburg and enjoyed the wonderul nature there. Here you can see some pictures.


Under the spledid oak tree 立派なオークの木の下で。

Looking up, it is a giant tree. As though the leaves stretching up over each other toward the infinite sky.上を見上げて。素晴らしい大きな木です。葉が、天に向かって永遠に重なっているかのようです。

Another oak tree next to the pond. 池のほとりにある、他のオークの木。

Impressive branches. 枝が特徴的です。

Palmenhaus ahead. 向こうに見えるのは「パルメンハウス」。

No idea which bush it is. この灌木は何ていうのでしょう。

Pictures by Yuka Simeno (except the ones showing myself), May 5th 2024 in Vienna.

Vienna City Marathon 2023ウィーン シティ マラソン2023

Today Vienna City Marathon took place. Since the morning at home we constantly heard helicopters flying above the city. This year the event was blessed by the weather and so in the afternoon we went for a walk. It was after 2PM but still people were running and here you can see some pictures.

今日はウィーン シティ マラソンの日。朝からウィーン市の上空を、ヘリコプターが飛んでいるのが絶え間なく聞こえていました。今年はお天気に恵まれ、午後、夫と二人で散歩に出掛けました。午後2時を過ぎていましたが、まだ、走っている人もいました。その写真を幾つか載せます。

Pictures by Yuka Simeno8

“Ike-ya”? 「池屋」?

Entrance to IKEA direct from Westbahnhof concourse.

“This table I bought from IKEA”. That is what a Japanese resident, in the same building I was living at, said when she showed my a beautiful round table. It was my first apartment in Vienna and it was over 30 years ago. Back then I was totally new here without any knowledge and I thought that there was a Japanese furniture shop in Vienna called “Ike-ya”. And I thought how wonderful Japanese people are also selling furniture in Vienna. Soon however I discovered that it was in fact called “IKEA” and that it was a Swedish chain of stores. This name could really be Japanese and so I misunderstood.

Back then about once a year, a thick catalogue of IKEA was sent free to all households in Vienna. One day that catalogue appeared at the door just like a present. What joy it was to browse through that catalogue in full colour! I moved four times within Vienna but always to fully furnitured places. Therefore buying furniture was not necessary but nevertheless with pleasure I always looked at the catalogue and fantasized. Also “IKEA” was somewhat far away from the city and without my own car, I had to use the shuttle bus for about 30 minutes. So when I finally arrived I could see beautiful interiors and imagine living there and as souvenirs I took home small things such as candles, napkins, artificial plants, etc.

Time passes, online commerce has become so widespread, that nowadays most catalogues and sortiments can be viewed on the internet. Therefore that present from IKEA to me ceased to exist. But recently IKEA gave me a big present of a different kind. In a central location of Vienna a branch of IKEA opened its doors! It is next to Westbahnhof station and there is even one direct access from the station concourse. The size and capacity of this store is smaller but one can stroll around inside and see many different types of merchandise. Above all, there are many small affordable items such as candles, napkins, etc. IKEA is now close to me.




After my visit to IKEA it was already quite dark outside.
Soon it will be a full moon.

Pictures March 16, 2022 in Vienna

Christmas market in Vienna finally opens again after a missed year 昨年は見送られたウイーンのクリスマス市がやっと開きました

One entrance to the Christmas market
at Spittelberg in Vienna

Last year due to Covid there were no Christmas markets in Vienna and now finally some have opened again! I visited the one at Spittelberg in the 7th district. Many shops were showing their colourful goods sparkling into the darkness. How nice to see that again! It was really busy and it was even difficult to move forward in the crowd. I was quite astonished however that many visitors were not wearing masks. Even this past Spring it was compulsory to wear masks in some empty park areas. Of course by now many people have been vaccinated but nevertheless I hear that people get infected. Even the Netherlands with a high percentage of vaccinations have recently reimposed a lockdown for all. I got a little fearful, could not calmly look at shops and quickly returned home.


Picture by Yuka Simeno, November 14, 2021 in Vienna

Compulsory registration in gastronomy in Vienna ウィーンの飲食店における個人情報記入

Starting today, because of the coronavirus, in Vienna there is now a compulsory registration for all customers of gastronomy. This does not apply to take out items. Name, telephone number and/or email address has to be registered by the establishment on a paper form. A friend of mine told me that such a system is already in place in Germany and many people provided false names. She told me that she will not provide her email address because she wishes not to receive any future advertisements. My husband does not want to register and therefore he says we should always do take out. Today we went to get some coffee and sweets from Starbucks as take out. Even though it had rained a little before, we sat outside somewhere on a bench on a street nearby eating and drinking. I would like to value and protect my private information.


Finally it is working! ついに稼働!

The device I mentioned in a previous post was finally active today! This is more than mist however, almost like a gentle shower. One can really cool down, fantastic!


Pictures by Dieter Pasching and Yuka Simeno, June 2020 On Mariahilfer Strasse in Vienna

“Fuyō” or “Mukuge”? 「芙蓉」か「むくげ」か?

The part closest to Mariahilferstrasse of Otto Bauergasse in the 6th district in Vienna was renovated a couple of months ago. The border between sidewalk and street was removed and the street is now all flat and paved with new stones. This makes the steet appear broader. There are new flowerbeds . Since the advent of Spring, many different plants can be enjoyed. In the flowerbeds trees have also been planted. They are quite slim and look young. It was hard to identify what kind of trees they are. Some now carry blossoms as in the picture above. I know this blossom, I suppose they are from Asia.

There are two different kinds that carry quite similar flowers but they are different after all. One is called “Fuyō” and the other is called “Mukuge”. In Japan in my garden there is a “Mukuge” tree. My mother loved plants and so she had this tree planted in our garden. But she used to call this tree “Fuyō”. Always in summer when this tree carried big soft bright purple blossoms, then my mother said “Oh how beautiful the blossoms of Fuyō are!”. Recently my gardener said that it is “Mukuge”. My mother passed away without knowing it was in fact “Mukuge”. It does not really matter because this tree gave her great joy.

When I see the blossoms of the trees in Otto Bauergasse my thoughts fly to my garden in Japan. Does my “Mukuge “carry blossoms too now? And I think of my mother…

ウィーン6区の、オットー バウアー通りの、マリアヒルファー通りに近い部分は、少し前に改装されました。歩道と車道の境がなく、平になり、新しい石も敷かれました。道が広くなったように見えます。新しい花壇もできました。春が訪れてから、いろんな花が次々と咲き、目を楽しませてくれています。花壇の中には木も植えられました。細くて、まだ若い木のようです。いくつかの木が、上の写真のように花を付けました。この花、私、知ってます。東洋の木だと思います。


オットー バウアー通りの木を見ると、私の想いは日本の我が家の庭に飛んでいきます。もう「むくげ」は咲いたでしょうか?そして母のことを想います…

Picture by Yuka Simeno, June 2020 in Vienna

Gradus ad Parnassum グラドゥス アド パルナッスム

Due to coronavirus related travel restrictions I still cannot go to Italy to my voice teacher. But I still have the previous recordings of my lessons with her and so I can nevertheless learn a lot. At home I kept trying to understand those lessons and kept trying over and over again. I have noticed that recently I can sing the way I want to express myself. I am so happy and want to continue on this path. I give thanks to my voice teacher and look forward to seeing her again soon.

Classical singing, which I am specialising in, truly is a precious art. Everyone can sing somehow but there is only one right way to master this art. That can only be studied with a good teacher. I can say that everything that I have experienced, also with all previous teachers, has supported my path. I am very grateful for that. My path is not straight, there have been many detours and obstacles but I want to believe that all of it has value. In the future I would like to convey the best and most correct to others through my experiences.

When I was a juniorhigh school pupil , I studied piano siries “Children’s corner” by Claude Debussy. The title of the first piece is “Gradus ad Parnassum” and my piano teacher commended me for playing this piece very well, which made me very happy. I heard that this title “Gradus ad Parnassum” means a difficult path which has to be followed anyway. I find it amusing that Debussy chose this title for the first piece in “Children’s corner”. I grew from this children’s corner and now have reached an age when I can look back at the path to Parnassus but I am still continuing on it.



中学生の頃、ドビュッシー作曲のピアノ組曲「子供の領分」を習いました。第1曲目は「グラドゥス アド パルナッスム」という題名で、ピアノの先生が非常に上手に弾けている、と褒めてくださったことがとても嬉しかったです。この「グラドゥス アド パルナッスム」は、通らねばならない難しい道を示している、と聞きました。ドビュッシーが「子供の領分」の第1曲にこの題名を選んだことを、とても面白く思います。私は、「子供の領分」から育ち、「グラドゥス アド パルナッスム」を振り返ることのできる年齢になりましたが、今も変わらずその道を歩んでいます。

Picture by Yuka Simeno, June 2020 in Vienna