But watch out, a man is coming! He even carries a stick?!

皇帝フランツ ヨーゼフの銅像です
Picture by Yuka Simeno , May 2020 at Burggarten Vienna
Picture by Yuka Simeno , May 2020 at Burggarten Vienna
Finally today (May 15th) all gastronomy in Austria is allowed to open again! On TV they showed footage of Cafés opening today. A lady cheerfully said even though she said nothing, the waiter knew what she wanted and brought it right away. She is a regular customer at that establishment and so the waiter already knew what she wanted. Maybe one can make good coffee and food at home but the human interaction in gastronomy is something special. I find that very nice.
Corona crisis however is not over yet and right now there is a limit of up to 4 adults together at one table and a required distance of at least one metre to the next table. Large venues may be able to follow that guideline but can small places even do that? Can they even make a profit? If at least the weather is nice with tables outside or if there is an increased number of take out orders, then maybe yes. Today the weather is not very nice, there is some rain, it is a little cooler and it is cloudy. Until yesterday it was such beautiful weather and why does it have to be like this today? !
しかし、コロナの危機はまだ去っていません。飲食店でも規制があって、1テーブルにつき、大人であれば4人までで、隣のテーブルから1メートル離さないといけません。大きなお店は可能かも知れませんが、小さいお店は対応できるでしょうか…? 儲けになるでしょうか…? せめてお天気が良くて、戸外に席を作ることができたり、テイクアウトが多ければ、と思いますが、今日は曇り時々雨の冷たい日。昨日まで連日いいお天気だったのに、なぜ今日はこうなの?!
Picture by Yuka Simeno at Café Griensteidl 2010 in Vienna
Previous generations in Japan did not praise their own family members in fromt of others. When I was very little I found that strange. In order to praise someone else’s child, my mother even said that I could not do what that child could do. I thought, why would my mother suddenly lie and I got a feeling of being betrayed and sad. That seems to be an old-fashioned custom since nowadays I see many people praising their own immediate families and likely those people speak the truth but because I was not raised this way, it is strange to me.
When I was a child I spent most of my time with my grandmother. She was born around 1900 and one could call her conservative and old-fashioned. Of course she never praised her own family in front of other people. She had a good friend about her age and when they were very young they worked as room maids at a former Samurai lord’s residence. At that time, many girls were sent to work as maids, partly to be prepared for marriage. So this friend and my grandmother had a long history together and many common experiences. When they met, they often told stories about old times and how hard work was. And of course they said how spoiled young people were nowadays. Also of course they spoke really bad about their families. That friend had a granddaughter, who was a couple of years older than I. This friend praised me but then she said “My granddaughter however…”. Then my grandmother replied “No no, in fact my granddaughter…”. Then the friend on top of it replied how ugly and useless her granddaughther was. And it became some kind of competition who had the worse granddaughter. I really liked her granddaughter, I felt sorry for her and every time I got a down feeling. I always thought why they had to say such things about us even though we were good children…
One time when I was out on the street with my grandmother, we met that friend and she praised me and again complained about her granddaughter. We said goodbye, parted ways looking back and slightly bowing all the way until we could not be identified anymore. It was somehow very hard to part ways. This was in fact the last time we would see her.
Now I have grown older and my immediate family have all passed away. Now somehow I can understand why my mother and grandmother talked like that about their own families. They wanted to talk about family. The more bad things they said, the deeper the love was.
小さかった頃、私は祖母と過ごす時間が多かったです。祖母は、西暦1900年頃の生まれで、封建的で古風だったと言えるでしょう。もちろん、人前では決して自分の家族を褒めることはしませんでした。祖母の仲良しのお友達も同じ世代で、二人は、土佐藩のお殿様だった山内家のお屋敷に奉公した仲間です。当時、若い女性は花嫁修行も兼ねて、奉公することがよくあったそうです。二人は共有する思い出がたくさんあり、会うととても話がはずんでいました。いつも、今どきの若いもんはどうのこうのと批判をしたり、あてらぁの(私たちの)若い頃はこうじゃった… と、いかに仕事が大変だったか、苦労をしてきたかなどを話していました。そして、二人揃って自分の家族の悪口を言うのです。このおばあさんには、私より2、3歳年上の女のお孫さんがいました。いつも私を褒めてくれた後、それに比べてあの子は、と、ご自身のお孫さんのことを悪く話すのです。私の祖母も、いやいや、そんなことはない、この子こそ…と、私の悪口で返すのですが、おばあさんは、尚更、自分の孫がいかにブスで能無しであるか訴えます。こうして、延々、自分の孫の悪口の言い合いバトルが繰り広げられるのです。私はこの方のお孫さんが大好きだったので、彼女のことが気の毒だったし、何故こんなにボロクソに言うのだろう、私たちにもいいところがあるのに…、と悲しかったです。
Picture by Yuka Simeno, May 2020 at Volksgarten Vienna
Yes I see you! I think, she is a mother incubating her eggs. It looks like it is symbolic of Mother’s Day…
Picture by Yuka Simeno, May 10th in Vienna 2020
Today is Mother’s Day. I can neither see nor wish her the best because sadly my mother passed away in 2011. Every day I think about her. She was gentle, funny and this may be strange coming from me but she was very beautiful. She also loved animals and all animals took to her warm-hearted aura. Not only animals but also for people I think she had a good influence, above all for me. I really love my mother. She loved her only child much, cared for it and she was an ideal mother to me. We never fought and always had fun together, sang together and we were always enveloped in an amusing aura. Sometimes there are people where mothers and daughters fight or are rivals and this is shocking to me. I am very grateful for my mother and that I could have such a good relationship with her.
When I was little I could not imagine that children could exist without a mother. In Japan there is a custom that children offer red Carnations as present on Mother’s Day. Only in the second or third year of primary school, a playmate said to me that on Mother’s Day those children without mothers offer white Carnations for their mother’s graves. Then I was quite shocked and became very sad. In the fourth year of primary school there was a girl growing up without a mother. She was a nice person and I liked her very much. Some children however talked bad things behind her back because she had no mother. All of my classmates were quite gentle and I could not believe that they would say such things. I think the adults in their families said those things.
My mother used to work in accounting at a primary school. In Japanese primary schools, there is a warm lunch provided for the children. There was a movement by some mothers who were of the opinion that school lunch was not adequate and that children should have lunch prepared by their mothers instead. There were some trials to see whether that would work. My mother told us at home that that idea of that movement may have been well intentioned but she felt sorry that some children without mothers could not bring any lunch.
On this Mother’s day today, people think of their mothers and there are surely different feelings, good and bad, etc. I just hope that young children in school do not experience disadvantage or sad feeling because of their mothers. I think that adults should carefully think about what they say and do in order to prevent children from being in such a situation. I think that we should always learn that there are different kinds of people and we should strive not to be intolerant.
Picture by Yuka Simeno, April 2020 in Stadtpark,Vienna
Here in Viena there is fair weather every day. Day after day, the trees get more leaves and with great pleasure I watch it every time I am out on the street. Because it is so nice weather every day, suddenly trees and flowers blossom and we must not miss that time! Just a few days after my last visit, roses are blossoming gorgeously!
Every day te weather truly is beautiful, as I remember at least since the beginning of lockdown measures starting mid-March. Because of those measures people get a feeling of being threatened and tied down and therefore good weather has a positive effect on the psyche. Thanks to good weather, we can keep our mood and spirits up. For agriculture however, this may not be so positive. I have a feeling that I have even forgotten the sound of rain…
Pictures by Yuka Simeno, May 6th 2020 in Vienna
Pictures by Yuka Simeno, May 5th 2020 in Vienna
I sometimes visit Northern Italy, because my voice teacher lives there. Unfortunately because of the Coronavirus spreading, right now it is impossible to go there. Recently I spoke to her on the phone and she seemed to be fine, which is a relief for me. Sadly I cannot receive her lessons but I have recordings of previous lessons. I am very happy that she allowed me to make these rcordings because I can learn a lot from them. A good aspect of recording is that one can listen to it repeatedly and sometimes much later one can understand things which were unclear before. Of course it is good to always refresh the memory. Thereby I practice at home alone and I am gladly looking forward to showing my teacher that which I have studied by myself…
Also because of going there from time to time I made some friends in Italy. I contacted them and they all seem to be doing fine, which is also a big relief for me. But when I think of those cities, I truly worry about them. Restaurants, hotels, shops, train stations, etc. Many faces of those people I recognize. How are they doing? How is their work?
Ever since my husband and I started going by rental car from Milan to my teacher, we could also make some trips to other places in Northern Italy. There is beautiful nature and buildings and people are very lively. That is obviously different from Vienna, where I live. Now I have a longing for Northern Italy but tat is exactly where the biggest impact and damage of Coronavirus is. That saddens my heart and I feel deep compassion. Starting yesterday, also in Italy there was some easing of restrictions and I hope it will be better soon.
Pictures by Yuka Simeno, June 2019, Northern Italy
Starting last Saturday (May 2nd) Austria noticably eased the restrictions. Today, Monday, afternoon on the famous shopping street Mariahilferstrasse is bustling with people and a lively atmosphere. However, look at this queue! Only a limited number of customers are allowed inside the shops and so people had to form queues in fromt of popular shops. When I see such crowds, I am reminded of Toyko. Actually I am a person who cannot wait. That is a typical trait of people from Kochi. They are called “Irare” from Tosa (Old name of Kochi). Also because of that I decided not to study at university in Tokyo but instead I looked for a relaxing place with nature and so I found Sakuyo Music University. Back then this university was in Tsuyama (Okayama prefecture) on a hill close to Yoshii river. Optically it reminded me of Alt Heidelberg and this appeared very attractive to me. The curriculum was also quite dense and unique. I absolutely wanted to study at the Music Education faculty. Because my father was a teacher at a high school, I had interest in education from an early age. There I was fortunate to be able to study deep and especially the encounter with Shin-Buddhism changed my life for which I am very grateful. After my graduation this university later moved to Kurashiki (also Okayama prefecture) and was renamed Kurashiki Sakuyo University. I was sad to hear that the Music Education faculty no longer exists.
土曜日(5月2日)から、規制が大幅に緩和されました。そのため、今日、月曜日の午後は、買い物で有名なウィーンのマリアヒルファー通りは大勢の人で賑わっていました。しかし、ご覧ください、この列を!一度に入店できるお客さんの数が決められているので、人気のあるお店の前にはこのような長い列ができているのです。これを見て、私は東京を思い出しました。実は、私は待てない性分なのです。これは私の故郷、高知の典型的な気性のひとつで、このような人のことを、土佐の「いられ」といいます。この性分のため、進学も東京を選ばず、自然豊かでのどかな土地を探し、作陽音楽大学を見つけた次第です。当時、この大学は、岡山県津山市にあり、吉井川と、そのほとりの丘に位置する大学の風景は、まるで「アルト ハイデルブルク」のようだ、と私は思っていました。カリキュラムは非常に密で独特でした。私はどうしてもここの教育音楽学部で勉強したいと思いました。父が高等学校の教員だったので、私は小さい頃から教育に関心を持っていたのです。この大学で、本当に素晴らしい勉強をすることができたと思います。特に仏教(浄土真宗)との出遭いに非常に感謝しています。私が卒業した後、同校は倉敷市に移転して、「くらしき作陽大学」と校名が変わりました。教育音楽学部も、もう、なくなっているらしいです。
Pictures by Yuka Simeno, May 4th 2020 in Vienna
“This is Biwa!”. Yesterday at a supermarket in Vienna without much thought I said those words. The package read “Mispeln” (Medlar fruit). I have been living in Vienna for a long time but until now I had never seen those fruits at a supermarket. I have fond memories of these fruits because in Kochi, my hometown in Japan, many people like to eat them. “Yuka, eat. This is Biwa”. During my childhood, every year in early summer my grandmother served those fruits as dessert. My grandmother treated those round orange-coloured fruits almost like jewels. The taste is really unique, so juicy and sweet. For many years I could not eat those fruits because I could not be in Japan during their season. Yesterday I bought one pack of “Mispeln” out of joy and already many of them are gone. Different from the Biwa I know, harder and less juicy but inside there are big shiny seeds which telle me that they really are a type of Biwa. Those fruits are imported from Spain.
Last year when I was in Northern Italy, by chance I found a tree carrying fruits similar to Biwa. I could not believe it but I was very happy and took the picture above. That area of Italy might be severely affected by Coronavirus and I worry about that….
In Japan, there is a very famous lullaby and one part of the lyrics goes like “Above the cradle, Biwa fruits dangle on the tree”. I put this on Soundcloud, below you will find the link. Piano by Hina Oono.
昨年、北イタリアを訪問していた時、偶然、民家の庭に、「びわ」らしき果物をたわわに実らせている木を見つけました。信じられないと思いつつ、大喜びで撮った写真が上のものです。 この地域は、コロナウイルスの犠牲が非常に大きいのではないか、と心配です….
Picture by Yuka Simeno 2019 in Italy
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