Merry Christmas filled with peace, joy and hope!
Picture by Yuka Simeno, December 2021 in Vienna
Merry Christmas filled with peace, joy and hope!
Picture by Yuka Simeno, December 2021 in Vienna
When I was about ten years old there was a children’s party in my neighbourhood in Japan. At the main hall in the district office many children gathered and received sweets. A young lady had organized our recreation activities and she sang Christmas songs for us. Before she started singing the famous “Jingle Bells” she gave us some instructions. She said that during the second half, we should exclaim “Yahoho!” between her melody. Back then I was very shy and that instruction was truly not suitable for me. Other children loudly exclaimed “Yahoho!” but I however only softly mumbled it. We followed that instruction but she said we were not loud enough and that we should exclaim passionately with a bigger voice. We again started to sing together and the lady always said “Louder!”. Because all the children were so loud, even I got some courage to loudly exclaim because with everyone being so loud no one would hear me. Compared to others my voice probably still was not too loud but to me that seemed like a personal revolution. I consciously used voice and joyful emotion at the same time for expression. As a classical singer now I always strive to express something in my music and therefore when I think back on that day, that is so interesting. It might be somewhat exaggerated but I could say that “Yahoho!” was my “artistic primal scream”. Again and again I am grateful to that lady who made us exclaim “Yahoho!”.
私が10歳ぐらいのころ、住んでいた地区のクリスマス会に参加しました。それは子供の為の催しで、公民館が会場でした。たくさんの子供たちが集まり、皆でお菓子をいただきました。若い女性がレクリエーションを担当していて、いくつかクリスマスソングを披露してくれました。有名な「ジングル ベル」を歌う前に、彼女は私達に次のような要求をしました。曲の後半部分で、旋律と旋律の間に「ヤッホッホー!」と叫べ、というのです。しかし私は非常に恥ずかしがり屋だったので、そんなことはできない、と怯えました。他の子供達は言われた通り「ヤッホッホー!」と叫びましたが、私は口の奥で、やっとの思いで呟いたぐらいでした。ところが彼女は、私達の声が小さすぎる、というのです。もっと心を込めて力いっぱい叫びなさい、とのことで、また皆で一緒に歌い始めましたが、その最中にも「もっと大きく!もっと!もっと!」と彼女は繰り返し要求しました。他の子供たちが本当に大きな声で叫び始めたので、私も少し勇気が出ました。みんながうるさいから、誰も私の声は聞こえないだろうし、とも思いました。きっと私の叫びは、他の子たちよりずっと小さかったことでしょう。しかし、この叫びは私にとって、個人的革命とも言えるほどのものでした。初めて自分で意識して、声と喜びの感情を一緒に発することができたのです。後にクラシック音楽の声楽を専門とした私は、日々、歌で何かを表現しようと努めています。ですから、当時のことを思い出すと感銘を覚えます。あの「ヤッホッホー!」は、大袈裟ですが、私の芸術表現の産声だった気がするのです。そして、あの日私にこのことを教えてくれた若い女の方に、感謝の気持ちが湧き上がります。
Picture by Yuka Simeno, December 2021 in Vienna
Even though I am not of Christian faith I have fond memories of Christmas season.
When I was a small child, I attended an English language course for children. That was a Catholic church and nuns were giving the lessons. I was not highly diligent at studying English but I very much enjoyed the atmosphere there.
One time there was a large Christmas party and there were so many people there, adults as well as children. For the first time I entered the main hall and I vaguely remember it being quite dark and a solemn atmosphere. We children played a short holy night stage play, which also left an impression on me. Afterwards all of us enjoyed ourselves in a large room. There were large beautiful and funny human-shaped cookies with sugar coating. Such cookies I had never eaten before and I liked the taste so much. Those cookies seemed so unique because Scandinavian nuns had baked therm. Then all of us played “Bingo”. That was the first ever “Bingo” in my life. I understood the rules but I was too shy to loudly shout “Bingo!”. That is why I did not win anything… That is such a heartwarming memory.
Picture by Yuka Simeno, December 2021 in Vienna
Picture by Yuka Simeno, December 2021 in Vienna
Recently in Japan a famous person died suddenly under inexplicable circumstances. Often in such situations there are many speculations and this creates a lot of turmoil. Some people choose to end their own life. I myself think a lot about this and would like to know what exactly happened and so I frequently check the news. By doing that it is sadly impossible to recover her life. Maybe that person took the real reason with him/her and might never be fully revealed. Human life is always like that. Therefore I think it important to have a strong sense of self. Not being overly sad, happy, envious of others, etc. because of assumptions and speculations. How hard it is however…
Picture by Yuka Simeno, December 2019 in Italy
Today is the last Sunday before Christmas 2021. Generally in Austria shops (there are some exceptions) are closed on Sundays. Today is an exception however and shopping is allowed! Because of the recent three week lockdown shops lost a lot of business opportunities and so the government gave a special permit to open for business today. Many people were out and about in the city and it seems that they really enjoyed themselves.
Pictures by Yuka Simeno, December 19, 2021 in Vienna.
My first Winter in Vienna was quite cold and there was a lot of snow. Since I did not bring any Winter clothes I had to buy some. In a shopwindow I saw a beautiful pastel purple pullover. I decided to try it on and entered the shop. Talking about it with a sales assistant, I was quite shocked by her response. She said that this colour was for blonde hair and that red would be best with black hair. Since Japanese people have mostly dark hair, I had not had those thoughts before. Furthermore I had always heard from my grandmother that adults should not wear red because that colour is too strong. I myself did not have strong judgment about colours of clothes, maybe I would enjoy wearing red too. But that time the pastel purple pullover really appealed to me and so I followed through with my decision to buy it. Not only at that shop but other sales assistants in Vienna recommended red items to me. Since I often encountered that situation I was prepared with the words ” In Japan everyone has dark hair and we want to wear different colours too”.
I spoke to a Japanese friend living in Vienna about it and she as well said that she had the same experience and that was annoying. She said that red colour is regarded as too strong for clothes. She even said that in her region people wearing too strong colours are regarded as eccentric and self- absorbed and that even society wants to ban this person. Another friend said it was so shocking to see Viennese people sometimes have a whole-body outfit in red such as traditional folk coats. She called this stlye “Hidaruma”, which means that when one catches fire the whole body is engulfed in flames.
Austrian Airlines’ red uniforms are also often heavily criticized by Japanese people. Many times people visiting me here in Vienna spoke about it like this. At international airports in Japan they saw airline staff dressed completely in red which they found shocking and thought about which airline they might belong too. Aboard Austrian Airlines they saw those staff members and were again really shocked by it.
Time passes and nowadays in Japan people like to wear many different clothes and I think preconceptions have diminished somewhat. Also now I can wear red without much inhibition but only because I really want to and not only because of hair colour.
Picture December 2021 in Vienna
Picture by Yuka Simeno, December 2021 in Vienna
More than 30 years ago when I started living in Vienna I saw many people with shopping baskets on the street. In Japan such baskets are not used for grocery shopping. So to me this was totally new to see such baskets often in everyday life. Back then also many people used to wear traditional Austrian folk clothing in everyday life. Especially the combination of folk clothing and shopping baskets was very new to me and almost like something out of a European fairytale.
Because so many people carried baskets I thought that thery would be suitable for getting groceries. I also bought a typical one that many people were using. The basket was very sturdy and able to carry heavy objects. That material is not flexible however and due to the shape it did not have a large carry capacity. Furthermore it was a little heavy for me. For such reasons I stopped using it for groceries. For some time I put dried flowers in it and used it as room decoration.
Sadly nowadays such baskets have become a rare sight on the streets. Also very few people wear traditional folk clothing in everyday life in Vienna. Most people use paper or plastic bags available at supermarkets or carry their own eco-bags made of lightweight material as I do. I do miss those old times and often imagine an elegant lady with folk clothing with a basket in her hand standing on a street corner.
Pictures by Yuka Simeno, December 2021 in Vienna
Yesterday after some time I went to Museumsquartier. It was only about 5 PM but already dark outside. From Maria-Theresienplatz I entered Museumsquartier through the main hallway and because of the view I expressed my amazement. In the darkness there were several light spectacles! As shown in the picture above, light art was being projected onto the facade of Leopold Museum. The colours and patterns keep changing, which is quite breathtaking.
昨日、久しぶりにMQ広場(美術館エリア)を訪ねました。まだ午後5時を少し過ぎたぐらいでしたが、辺りはもうすっかり暗かったです。マリア テレジア広場側から、建物の1階にある中央入り口を抜けると、私は目の前にひろがる光景に、思わず感嘆の声をあげていました。闇の中に様々な光が浮かび上がっているのです!上の写真は、レオポルト美術館の外壁に映し出された光の芸術です。色と形が素早く変化していく様は息を呑むほど面白いです。
A similar light projection was shown on a specially constructed overhead canvas. This is quite large and looks almost like a big tent. Here as well the colours and patterns are changing and moving quickly. This is very fascinating.
There were also several see-saws! According to movement, lights are changing and sounds can be heard. I tried it too with my husband. That was so much fun and I forgot about the cold for some time. We discovered that there is also a possibility to do some curling on an ice lane. Since it is outside and a large open are, I think the danger of Covid is minimal there. One can play joyfully without much restrictions of Covid or age!
Pictures by Yuka Simeno, December 2021 in Vienna
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