Purple ball 紫の鞠

These flowers are so big! Almost more than half of my face. Many people look at them in astonishment and some take pictures. Do you know what they are called?


Picture by Dieter Pasching May 2020 in Vienna

Learning by yourself 自身で学んでいく

As a singer of classical music, until now I have had several teachers and all of them were wonderful. But I think that in the end one must learn by oneself. Because I “understand” eventually I myself have to get to this sitation. That means it is important to learn by oneself.

I think that concerning education it is important that students experience for themselves. That is also like a relationship betweeen parents and children.I think in many cases children should think for themselves and try out things. Parents already experienced this situation and already know the result. I think in some cases parents should not reveal the result right away but rather let the child find out the result. Because “understand” can only be attained by oneself. In some cases it is not good that parents force their own result upon the child. Children can arrive at their own result. This of course depends on the situation and advice is good. However the timing and amount of that advice is a very complex matter.



Picture by Yuka Simeno May 2020 in Vienna

Kahogo (overprotected) and Amayakashi (spoiled) 過保護と甘やかし

Someone said “I was overprotected (Kahogo). My parents permitted everything that I wanted.” I found that statement strange. I think it is not overprotected but rather spoiled (Amayakashi). Sometimes in the Japanese language I think people confuse those two words. Maybe some people see it that way because in both instances there may be cases that a child can do what it wants and the parents support that behaviour. Because parents provide enough material things, time, freedom, etc. for that child. That means that parents place some kind of trust and acceptance in that child’s will by fulfilling all the child’s wishes which effectively means valuing the child’s world. Maybe because of that they think of the word overprotected. But to my eyes in some cases it is spoiled and sometimes it is even neglect. I think that somtimes trust and neglect are confused with one another.

Personally I grew up in a highly overprotected environment. Because I am an only child, I was well protected by my family. Sometimes however, it was too much. Seen from other people’s perspective, my receiving attention of family and many material things such as books, toys, etc., some might think that I was spoiled by my family. This may be true to some extent, because in terms of material things I could get almost everything I wanted. Also many of my desired actions received much support from my family. For that I am very grateful to my family.

There is always the opposite side to something. Nobody may be able to understand my being fixated, bound, and receiving strict education except maybe other people in a similar situation. At age 18 when I moved to a different city to live alone and attend university, many colleagues talked about their longing for home. I however did not feel lonely at all. I felt strong relief and I could fully concentrate on my studies. I noticed how much my family interfered in my life and how much that weighed on me. But thereby I also think I gained strength. Of course I think that many things would have been nicer if my family had treated me differently. But through all those circumstances my present self exists and I am very grateful for it.

As I have just mentioned, overprotected or spoiled is a complex matter. I think it is important not to judge people based on some superficially obeserved points and to not have envy towards them.

(“Spoiled” in most cases means that the child’s will and wishes are fulfilled. “Overprotected” does not always mean that the child’s will and wishes are fulfilled, because there may be prohibitions. I think this is more the case of parents’ will and wishes being fulfilled.)






Picture by Yuka Simeno , May 2020 in Vienna

A man is coming! 人が来る!

This area is restricted to people. Ducks were relaxing there.
But watch out, a man is coming! He even carries a stick?!
Relax, ducks! It is a statue of Emperor Franz Josef.
皇帝フランツ ヨーゼフの銅像です

Picture by Yuka Simeno , May 2020 at Burggarten Vienna

Gastronomy is open! 飲食店が開きました!

Traditional Viennese Coffehouse “Griensteidl” next to Hofburg.
Sadly, this establishment closed down recently.

Finally today (May 15th) all gastronomy in Austria is allowed to open again! On TV they showed footage of Cafés opening today. A lady cheerfully said even though she said nothing, the waiter knew what she wanted and brought it right away. She is a regular customer at that establishment and so the waiter already knew what she wanted. Maybe one can make good coffee and food at home but the human interaction in gastronomy is something special. I find that very nice.

Corona crisis however is not over yet and right now there is a limit of up to 4 adults together at one table and a required distance of at least one metre to the next table. Large venues may be able to follow that guideline but can small places even do that? Can they even make a profit? If at least the weather is nice with tables outside or if there is an increased number of take out orders, then maybe yes. Today the weather is not very nice, there is some rain, it is a little cooler and it is cloudy. Until yesterday it was such beautiful weather and why does it have to be like this today? !


しかし、コロナの危機はまだ去っていません。飲食店でも規制があって、1テーブルにつき、大人であれば4人までで、隣のテーブルから1メートル離さないといけません。大きなお店は可能かも知れませんが、小さいお店は対応できるでしょうか…? 儲けになるでしょうか…? せめてお天気が良くて、戸外に席を作ることができたり、テイクアウトが多ければ、と思いますが、今日は曇り時々雨の冷たい日。昨日まで連日いいお天気だったのに、なぜ今日はこうなの?!

Picture by Yuka Simeno at Café Griensteidl 2010 in Vienna

Do not praise your own family 家族を褒めない

Previous generations in Japan did not praise their own family members in fromt of others. When I was very little I found that strange. In order to praise someone else’s child, my mother even said that I could not do what that child could do. I thought, why would my mother suddenly lie and I got a feeling of being betrayed and sad. That seems to be an old-fashioned custom since nowadays I see many people praising their own immediate families and likely those people speak the truth but because I was not raised this way, it is strange to me.

When I was a child I spent most of my time with my grandmother. She was born around 1900 and one could call her conservative and old-fashioned. Of course she never praised her own family in front of other people. She had a good friend about her age and when they were very young they worked as room maids at a former Samurai lord’s residence. At that time, many girls were sent to work as maids, partly to be prepared for marriage. So this friend and my grandmother had a long history together and many common experiences. When they met, they often told stories about old times and how hard work was. And of course they said how spoiled young people were nowadays. Also of course they spoke really bad about their families. That friend had a granddaughter, who was a couple of years older than I. This friend praised me but then she said “My granddaughter however…”. Then my grandmother replied “No no, in fact my granddaughter…”. Then the friend on top of it replied how ugly and useless her granddaughther was. And it became some kind of competition who had the worse granddaughter. I really liked her granddaughter, I felt sorry for her and every time I got a down feeling. I always thought why they had to say such things about us even though we were good children…

One time when I was out on the street with my grandmother, we met that friend and she praised me and again complained about her granddaughter. We said goodbye, parted ways looking back and slightly bowing all the way until we could not be identified anymore. It was somehow very hard to part ways. This was in fact the last time we would see her.

Now I have grown older and my immediate family have all passed away. Now somehow I can understand why my mother and grandmother talked like that about their own families. They wanted to talk about family. The more bad things they said, the deeper the love was.


小さかった頃、私は祖母と過ごす時間が多かったです。祖母は、西暦1900年頃の生まれで、封建的で古風だったと言えるでしょう。もちろん、人前では決して自分の家族を褒めることはしませんでした。祖母の仲良しのお友達も同じ世代で、二人は、土佐藩のお殿様だった山内家のお屋敷に奉公した仲間です。当時、若い女性は花嫁修行も兼ねて、奉公することがよくあったそうです。二人は共有する思い出がたくさんあり、会うととても話がはずんでいました。いつも、今どきの若いもんはどうのこうのと批判をしたり、あてらぁの(私たちの)若い頃はこうじゃった… と、いかに仕事が大変だったか、苦労をしてきたかなどを話していました。そして、二人揃って自分の家族の悪口を言うのです。このおばあさんには、私より2、3歳年上の女のお孫さんがいました。いつも私を褒めてくれた後、それに比べてあの子は、と、ご自身のお孫さんのことを悪く話すのです。私の祖母も、いやいや、そんなことはない、この子こそ…と、私の悪口で返すのですが、おばあさんは、尚更、自分の孫がいかにブスで能無しであるか訴えます。こうして、延々、自分の孫の悪口の言い合いバトルが繰り広げられるのです。私はこの方のお孫さんが大好きだったので、彼女のことが気の毒だったし、何故こんなにボロクソに言うのだろう、私たちにもいいところがあるのに…、と悲しかったです。



Picture by Yuka Simeno, May 2020 at Volksgarten Vienna

For Mother’s Day 母の日に

Today is Mother’s Day. I can neither see nor wish her the best because sadly my mother passed away in 2011. Every day I think about her. She was gentle, funny and this may be strange coming from me but she was very beautiful. She also loved animals and all animals took to her warm-hearted aura. Not only animals but also for people I think she had a good influence, above all for me. I really love my mother. She loved her only child much, cared for it and she was an ideal mother to me. We never fought and always had fun together, sang together and we were always enveloped in an amusing aura. Sometimes there are people where mothers and daughters fight or are rivals and this is shocking to me. I am very grateful for my mother and that I could have such a good relationship with her.

When I was little I could not imagine that children could exist without a mother. In Japan there is a custom that children offer red Carnations as present on Mother’s Day. Only in the second or third year of primary school, a playmate said to me that on Mother’s Day those children without mothers offer white Carnations for their mother’s graves. Then I was quite shocked and became very sad. In the fourth year of primary school there was a girl growing up without a mother. She was a nice person and I liked her very much. Some children however talked bad things behind her back because she had no mother. All of my classmates were quite gentle and I could not believe that they would say such things. I think the adults in their families said those things.

My mother used to work in accounting at a primary school. In Japanese primary schools, there is a warm lunch provided for the children. There was a movement by some mothers who were of the opinion that school lunch was not adequate and that children should have lunch prepared by their mothers instead. There were some trials to see whether that would work. My mother told us at home that that idea of that movement may have been well intentioned but she felt sorry that some children without mothers could not bring any lunch.

On this Mother’s day today, people think of their mothers and there are surely different feelings, good and bad, etc. I just hope that young children in school do not experience disadvantage or sad feeling because of their mothers. I think that adults should carefully think about what they say and do in order to prevent children from being in such a situation. I think that we should always learn that there are different kinds of people and we should strive not to be intolerant.





Picture by Yuka Simeno, April 2020 in Stadtpark,Vienna

Vienna in full bloom 花に溢れるウィーン

Kastanien trees at Hofburg palace

Here in Viena there is fair weather every day. Day after day, the trees get more leaves and with great pleasure I watch it every time I am out on the street. Because it is so nice weather every day, suddenly trees and flowers blossom and we must not miss that time! Just a few days after my last visit, roses are blossoming gorgeously!

Every day te weather truly is beautiful, as I remember at least since the beginning of lockdown measures starting mid-March. Because of those measures people get a feeling of being threatened and tied down and therefore good weather has a positive effect on the psyche. Thanks to good weather, we can keep our mood and spirits up. For agriculture however, this may not be so positive. I have a feeling that I have even forgotten the sound of rain…



Rose blossoms at Volksgarten. Museum of Natural History in the background
“I love you” red roses say at Volksgarten

Pictures by Yuka Simeno, May 6th 2020 in Vienna