Even though the weather is beautiful… こんなに綺麗なお天気なのに…

Today it was a beautiful day outside. If we could sit outdoors with friends sipping on a glass of wine that would be nice! This will be impossible for a while. Today (March 15th) the Austrian Chancellor announced new measures against the coronavirus that citizens should remain at home and from Tuesday(17th) all restaurants and cafes will remain closed etc. Even if we want to go for a walk outside, it should only be alone or with those who are living together with us. I really did not think it would come to this. I sincerely hope that the goal of slowing down the spreading and softening the impact will be attained. Also I wish that this experience shall be useful later in building a new world. All countries should cooperate in true friendship.


Picture by Yuka Simeno March 2020 in Vienna

Further restrictions in Austria due to Coronavirus オーストリアにもコロナウイルスによる更なる規制が

Until now in Austria, closures were mostly decreed for universities, museums, theatres, etc. Starting next Monday all citizens will be affected by upcoming restrictions. As an example, supermarkets, grocery stores, banks, post offices etc. will be open but non-essential shops will be closed, restaurants and cafes, etc. close at 3 PM. Some towns are under quarantine for two weeks. Chancellor, health minister and interior minister held a joint press conference and published the upcoming measures, stressing that Austria is a team and we should get through this together. In the evening, president (Bundespräsident) Alexander van der Bellen, addressed the nation in a TV broadcast. This was quite touching because he also mentioned foreigners living in Austria, which gave me emotional support. By chance I met him on the street shortly before he was elected president. Thinking back I remember that moment well when I shook his hand on the street.

これまでオーストリアにおける、コロナウイルスのための規制は、大学や美術館、劇場などを閉めること、他、でした。しかし来週の月曜日からは、全ての国民に関わる、更なる規制が実施されることになりました。日々の生活に欠かせない食料品店や銀行、郵便局等意外は、暫くの間閉鎖となり、レストラン、カフェハウス等は午後3時までの営業、また、街ごと隔離される地域もあります。連邦首相、内相、保健相は、共に、このことを記者会見で伝え、オーストリアはひとつのティームとなり、この困難を乗り越えましょう、というようなことを述べました。夜(3月13日)には、アレクサンダー ファン デァ ベッレン連邦大統領がテレヴィでこのことについて演説をしました。その中で、氏は、私のような、オーストリア在住の外国人を励ます言葉も述べられたので、大変感動しました。氏が、連邦大統領に就任する直前に、ウィーン市内で偶然出遭い、握手を交わしたことを、懐かしく思い出しました。

Picture by Yuka Simeno, March 13th 2020 in Vienna

Restrictions in Austria due to Coronavirus オーストリアでもコロナウイルスによる制約が

Finally, in Austria there are now restrictions to combat the spreading of Coronavirus. The concert on March 28th, in which I should have participated, was pushed back to beginning of May. Almost all public events have been cancelled or postponed. Universities are closed now and they teach students online. Starting next week all schools including Kindergarten will be closed in phases. Schools however will stay open for those children who cannot be taken care of at home although there will of course not be regular classes. Also the government made it clear that grandparents should not take care of children because they are especially at risk from the virus. For me this procedure by the government seems to be well thought out and appropriate. Honestly, I did not think it would come to this and from my heart I hope the situation will improve soon.

ついに私の住んでいるオーストリアでも、コロナウイルスのための制約が始まりました。3月28日の、私が出演するコンサートも延期となりました。3月のほとんど全ての催しが中止か延期です。大学も閉まり、オンラインの授業だそうです。来週からはその他の学校、幼稚園もお休みになるとのこと。しかし、都合により自宅で保護者が面倒をみることができない子供たちのために、学校、幼稚園は開いているそうです。また、政府は、おじいさん、おばあさんによる孫の世話はしないように、と呼びかけています。一番重い症状が出やすいのは高齢の方だからです。私は、これらのオーストリア政府の制作は妥当のように思います。  しかし、私は、これほどひどい状態になるとは思っていませんでした。どうか一刻でも早く状況が良くなるようにと、心から願います。

Every single life is important 全ての命は大切

Today is March 11th. 9 Years ago in my home country Japan an unbelieveable tragedy happened. I was in Vienna at that time and was deeply troubled by the news which came in. We should never forget this catastrophe and we should continually think of the victims and all the ensuing difficulties and problems. I truly believe every single life is so important. It came to my attention that today around 2:46 PM (the time of the big earthquake which happend in 2011) at the Memorial Park in Miyagi prefecture there was a huge rainbow visible. For me this is symbolic and incited the feeling in me even stronger not to forget this tragedy.

The world is in fear of a looming global situation of the corona virus. Sadly, many people have passed away and are infected. Today the WHO rated it as a global pandemic, which is extremely serious. I heard that someone made sweets in the shape of the corona virus. I do not know, what the intention and purpose of this was, but one should never be careless. If this was indeed a joke or thoughtless, this should not be done. We should always cherish every single life as immensely important.

今日は3月11日。9年前の今日、私の祖国に、大変なことが起こりました。私はウィーンにいて、次から次へと入ってくる信じがたいニュースに、呆然とするばかりでした。私たちは決してこの震災のこと、犠牲になった方々、そして、このことによって生じた困難や問題を忘れてはいけません。全ての命は大切だと、心から思います。  今日、9年前に地震が起こった午後2時46分頃、宮城県の震災メモリアム公園上空に大きな虹がかかったということを聞きました。何かを示唆しているように私には受け止められ、この震災を決して忘れまいと、より強く心に思いました。


Spring exhibition (Frühjahrsmesse) in Vienna 春の展示会

Right now in Vienna there is a big art and antiques exhibition. This is truly a grand and broad event. Should you be in Vienna, drop by and have a look.  現在、ウィーン市内において、芸術作品とアンティークの大展示会が催されています。非常に大きく、出品も豊かです。ウィーンにいらっしゃったら、是非訪れてみられては、と思います。場所は上の案内をご覧ください。3月15日までです。

Yuka Simeno Puppe des Monats März 2020 示野由佳 今月の手作り人形 3月

Je suis Titania. Queen of the fairies. Daughter of the air. I roam the world more vivid than the birds and quicker than lightning…  私はティタニア。妖精の女王。空気の娘。鳥よりも稲妻よりも素早く、笑いながら世界中を飛び回るの… Below you will find the link to the aria of Philine from the Opera Mignon by Ambroise Thomas. The doll in the picture below was not made by me. 下に、トマ作曲 オペラ「ミニョン」より フィリンのアリア「私はティタニア」を付加しました。尚、下の人形は私の作品ではありません。 Picture by Yuka Simeno

Mask マスク

Maybe the whole world knows by now that Japanese people often wear masks for protection. My mother often recommended I wear a mask but unfortunately I can not wear a mask. I love my mother and I believe that she was right but wearing masks is not for me. Since early childhood I have a very sensitive nose so when I wear a mask, my nose reacts to this with congestions almost like an allergy which is quite unpleasant. Many Japanese think that masks work well against pollen but I react as though the mask itself were an allergen. More than half of my life I have been living in Austria, where nobody wears masks in public. People say that wearing a mask means you are very sick so it is quite an uncommon sight. During my time in Austria, a doctor recommended wearing masks but this did not meet with success and was quickly forgotten. A few years ago the government even passed an “anti-concealment law” which also includes facial masks. Right now because of the Corona virus, the Japanese embassy in Austria is sending out email to resident Japanese to provide updates on the virus situation. There they write that because of the anti-concealment law the Austrian Interior Ministry requires people in principle to have documentation from a doctor in order to be allowed to wear a mask. On TV it was reported that wearing a mask will not stop one from becoming infected but it will however reduce the risk of already infected people spreading that disease to other people. I think it may be unusual for Japanese people that it is forbidden to wear masks voluntarily. Today on the 29th of February at noon there are 9 officially confirmed cases in Austria. I sincerely hope that this virus does not spread rapidly and that it will subside soon. When I think that people suffer or even lose their lives, it really makes me sad.

日本でよくマスクを付けることは、今や世界中で知られているのではないかと思います。私の母も、マスク愛用者で、私にも勧めてくれました。母を信頼してましたし、言われた通りにしたいのですが、私にマスクは合わないようなのです。小さい頃から鼻の調子が悪く、少しでも鼻に触れたり、変化を加えると、すぐに鼻水やくしゃみが出て大変です。マスクにはまるでアレルギーでもあるかのように鼻が反応し、とても付けていられません。花粉などへのアレルギーを防ぐ意味もあるマスクなのに、私にとっては、まるでマスク自体がアレルゲンであるかのようです。   私はオーストリアに住み始めて長いです。すでに人生の半分以上をこちらで送りました。ここにはマスクをする習慣がありません。ある時期、医療関係者がマスクを奨励していたことがありましたが、ほとんど広がらず、売れ残った大量のマスクと共に、発案は消えていったようです。それどころか、数年前より政府によって出された「覆面禁止法」に、マスクも含まれていたのです。 現在、新型コロナウイルスの流行について、在ウィーンの日本大使館より、オーストリアに住む日本人に、情報や留意することなどに関するメールがよく送られてきます。そこにも、オーストリアの内務省が、覆面禁止法に基づき、「健康上の理由によりマスクを着用する場合には、原則として医師の診断書が必要」と述べていることが記されています。また、テレヴィのニュースでも、マスクはウイルスを防ぐことはできない、すでに病気になった人が、他に移さないために付けるものである、と医療関係者が言ってました。 自由にマスクを付けることを禁止されるのは、日本人にとって大変に違和感があるのではないかと思います。   2月29日正午現在、オーストリアでは、新型コロナウイルスの患者は9名と発表されています。どうかこれ以上広がらず、早く流行が終わるようにと願います。   罹患された方、また、命を落とされた方のことを思うと、心が大変痛みます。

Tengu 天狗

Recently in Vienna it is quite warm in terms of being winter and very windy. Sometimes because of loud wind noise I wake up during the night and then it is difficult to fall asleep again. Then I turn from side to side and remember my childhood. I was a child who never could fall asleep easily. My mother lay next to me and softly sang a lullaby for me. Then she softly tapped my body in the rhythm of the music. This rhythm grew slower and weaker and she fell asleep. I shook her, woke her up and demanded she continue with the song. One windy night, because I continuously woke her up, presumably I was getting on her nerves so she started to tell a story about “Tengu”. “Tengu” is a monster with a long nose and a big fan, making wind with it. If Tengu finds a child who does not sleep, he will come and take that child. She meant to say that I should fall asleep. I however felt scared and it became impossible for me to fall asleep. My mother used to work and I assume she must have been really tired. When I think back now, I regret that I did not let her sleep in peace. Gratitude for mother may possibly be recognized later in life…
