My teacher of Religion from Sakuyo Music University is coming to Europe again. Dates of speeches are: October 11th (Thursday) at 18:30 at the Culture Centre of Japanese Embassy Vienna. October 12th (Friday) at 18:30 at the Japanese Embassy Bratislava, Slovakia. Also he will hold one presentation for students only at Komenius University Bratislava. October 15th (Monday) at 18:30 he will hold a speech at a private event.
Yuka Simeno Puppe des Monats September 2018 示野由佳 今月の手作り人形 9月
A door opens in front of me…(4) 私の前に扉が開いた時…(4)
As a child, because of the present I received from my piano teacher, I suddenly became very interested in music. Not only practising, I wanted to hear music. Back then in my hometown Kochi, there was a record store which offered only classical music and as a coincidence the name of the store was “Komatsu records”, which is the same as my birthname. In Kochi however, this name is not rare. The very likeable owner, Mr. Komatsu, had profound knowledge of classical music and I visited his store often and was allowd to listen to his recommendations. I cannot forget the feeling of hearing music which I had not known before and I still remember the sound of the record turntable needle touching down on the record. I wanted to have records myself and therefore collected pocket money and I even used my lunch money to buy records. Until about the age of 15, my father did not want me to become a musician and so I could not really ask him to buy records for me. Although that was a time of growth, I did not feel hunger and I lost weight, but listening to music was much more interesting. Also at my highschool, there were a few teachers who were lovers of classical music and had extensive record collections. From them I could regularly borrow records and I frequently listened to classical radio programmes. I listened to a wide variety of musical styles, also Jazz and Rock n’Roll etc. Especially piano music I listened to because I studied piano at that time and I diliigently listened to great pianists’ interpretations. Later when I switched to Voice as a major, I realized that diligently listening to famous singers really helped me with style, pronounciation, etc. Whenever I perform something, I almost always listen to various recordings and so I can thoroughly study. In my special field, I can honestly say that I am by no means self-taught. I had good teachers, good colleagues, good university, vienna city conservatory and I can proudly say that my musicality is solid, filled with profound knowledge and with a solid foundation. I studied and worked with famous teachers, conductors and specialists and it was always a pleasure to receive compliments of knowing the right style and/or having correct musicality. I recommend that aspiring musicians also listen to various recordings by multiple other performers. Listen diligently but do not be narrow-minded and do not be overly critical. I believe it is important to take the good and the bad and wanting to study. I must also say that older recordings are not like live perfomances because the recording equipment of that period was not as advanced. Therefore one needs to be careful and not exactly imitate everything.
子供の頃、ピアノの先生からレコードをいただいたことがきっかけで、突然、音楽に強い興味を持つようになりました。練習もしましたが、音楽を聴きたくなりました。その頃、私が育った高知市内に、クラシックレコードの専門店がありました。偶然、私の本名と同じで「小松レコード店」といいました。高知県にわりとよくある名前です。とても親切な店長のおじさんは、大変深いクラシック音楽の知識をお持ちでした。私はよくこのお店を訪ね、おじさんのお勧めのレコードを聴かせていただいていました。知らない音楽を初めて聴く時のわくわくした緊張や、トコードに針が降りる時のかすかな音を思い出します。私は自分にもレコードが欲しくなり、お小遣いや、お昼ご飯のためにもらうお金を貯めてレコードを買いました。15歳ぐらいまでは、父が私が音楽家になることに反対していたので、レコードを買って欲しいとは、なかなか言い出せなかったのです。育ち盛りであるはずなのに、私は痩せてゆきましたが、音楽を聴くことに夢中で、お腹がすくことを感じませんでした。また、私が通った学校に、クラシック音楽をお好きで、大量のレコードをお持ちの先生方がいらっしゃいました。私は先生方からほとんど定期的にレコードを貸していただいていました。それから、FM放送もよく聴いたものです。 私は、いろんな分野の音楽、ジャズやロックまでも幅広く聴きました。特に、当時勉強していたピアノの分野は、名の知れた演奏家の演奏解釈を熱心に聴きました。後に専門を声楽に変えてからも、当時、著名な歌手の演奏を熱心に聴いたことが、演奏スタイルや発音等のため、大変役立ったと思います。 私が曲を勉強する時は、ほとんどいつも、いくつかの録音を聴きます。そのため、自分の専門分野では、自己流であったことはないと言えます。良き師、良き音楽家の友、良き大学、ウィーン市立音楽院… 皆様のおかげで、私は基盤のしっかりとした音楽性を培うことができたと思います。 有名な歌手や指揮者や専門家のご指導をいただいたり、共演したりする時、知識や、正しい演奏のスタイルや、音楽性をお褒めくださることがあり、非常に嬉しいです。 私は、音楽家を目指す若い方々に、勉強する曲の録音を幾つか聴かれることを勧めます。熱心に、しかし狭い見解や批判的過ぎず、耳や思考を開くような感じで聴いて欲しいと思います。悪いことからも良いことからも学び取ろうとする姿勢が大切だと思います。 ひとつ気を付けていただきたいのは、昔の歌の録音は、マイク等の録音器具がまだ発達していなかったため、実際の演奏とは違う歌い方をしている場合があるということです。その点ご注意なさって、あまり正確に模倣しない方がいいと思います。
Photo by Yuka Simeno, Southampton 2018
A door opens in front of me…(3) 私の前に扉が開いた時…(3)
All throughout my teenage years I really made an effort to become a musician. Many teachers, many opportunities (such as attending concerts and corresponding with other students, listening to records, etc.) had a big impact on me .
In my hometown, Mrs. Yoko Moriki was one of the best piano teachers and it was an honour and a pleasure that I could study with her. With her I could learn a lot in terms of technique but also in terms of musicality. Furthermore I received tremendous personal support from her. I was very shy and kind of introverted and as a pianist I have small and weak hands. Therefore the music I have within me could not be properly expressed. Mrs. Moriki however understood the music within me and she always encouraged me. Also her warm personality and motherly character was wonderful for me. Not only did she teach piano but she also occupied herself with her students’ future. For example whenever a student graduated from university and returned home, she sent her students to those newly graduates as support for being able to make a living. She thought a lot about my future as an only child and knowing my family circumstances.
Mrs. Mayumi Nishimura (born Tanioka) was my first teacher for voice and also for Solfeggio and she also was the conductor of the school choir which I also participated in. She had just graduated from music university and the age difference between her and myself was not so big. Her cheerful, sweet and dedicated personality as well as her delicate appearance coupled with her fantastic sense of fashion really amazed me. She tremendously supported me as a musician as well as a human being.
Thanks to those teachers, my teenage years were filled with hope and I shall be eternally grateful to them.
Photo by Yuka Simeno, Kairakuen Mito city 2018
Yuka Simeno Puppe des Monats August 2018 示野由佳 今月の手作り人形 8月
Yuka Simeno Puppe des Monats Juli 2018 示野由佳 今月の手作り人形 7月
A door opens in front of me…(2) 私の前に扉が開いた時…(2)
When I was little some piano teachers came to our house to teach me playing the piano. All of them were very good and patient teachers but until about the age of eight I was not very motivated. Also for my parents this was just one part of education. Nevertheless, I played at a class concert (RKC Hall in Kochi), which was an unforgettable experience. At that time the teacher was surely a very good one but because she always come to our house and I always addressed her as “Madam teacher” I do not remember her name for which I am sorry. For some reason she stopped coming to our house and when we said goodbye she gave me a record of Arthur Rubinstein playing Chopin waltzes as a present. This was my first LP record ever. I guess I was too young to truly appreciate it musically but I was very happy and thankful.
This teacher introduced us to a young student of Kochi University as her successor. I wanted to have an older sister and I thought of her as such. Because I liked her so much and felt close to her, I started to study and play the piano much more diligently. When I was about eleven years old, she graduated from university and she handed off the job of teaching me to another student of Kochi University. For her final exam she played Chopin Scherzo No.2. She also played that piece for me which was so impressive and I was overwhelmed. She also gave me an LP record as a goodbye present. That was a mixed album of famous Chopin pieces performed by Samson François. I think this record truly changed my life. I listened to that recording so often and I thought “Such music really exists in this world?”. Then I wanted to become a musician. A very large and important door opened in front of me…
小さかった頃、ピアノを教えるために、我が家に女性の先生がいらしてくださっていました。とても良い先生でいらっしゃいましたが、8歳ぐらいまでの私は、全く熱心な生徒ではありませんでした。両親も、教養の一つとして私にレッスンを受けさせていただけのようです。それでも、先生の生徒達の発表会(高知市のRKCホール)に出演させていただけたことは、私にとって非常に印象深い経験でした。素晴らしい先生でいらっしゃったのに、いつも「先生」と呼んでいたので、お名前がわからず、申し訳なく思います。先生は何らかの事情で、教えに来てくださることをお辞めになることになり、お別れに、アルトゥール ルビンシュタインが弾くショパンのワルツ集のレコードを下さいました。それは、私にとって初めてのLPレコードでした。私は小さすぎて、その音楽はまだ心に響かなかったようですが、とても嬉しくて、ありがたく思い、今も大切にしています。
先生は、ご自分の後継として、高知大学の学生さんを我が家に派遣して下さいました。私は姉が欲しかったので、先生がお姉さんのように思えて、嬉しかったです。先生が大好きで親近感を持つようになると、私は突然、熱心にピアノを練習し始めました。 数年後、私が11歳ぐらいの頃、先生は大学を卒業されるので、後輩の学生さんに、我が家でピアノを教えるアルバイトを譲られることになりました。先生の卒業演奏は、ショパンのスケルツォ第2番で、私の前でも披露して下さいました。すごく難しい曲を素晴らしく演奏されるので、本当にびっくりして、感動したものです。そして先生も、お別れにLPレコードを下さいました。それは、サンソン フランソワの弾く、ショパンの名曲集でした。私は何度もこのレコードを聴き、「こんな音楽が世の中にあろうとは…」と、音楽が心に染み入るような気持ちになりました。そして、私も音楽家になりたい、と心の中で熱く思うようになりました。 非常に大きく、重要な扉が私の前に開いたようです…。
A door opens in front of me…(1) 私の前に扉が開いた時…(1)
When we look back on our lives, I think we recognize that there were some moments when doors seemed to have opened in front of us. I guess those are turning points in our lives. Now I can understand that because I can identify those moments in my life.
When I was a little child, my mother bought an upright piano, which was her dream to have one at home. I was about four or five years old but I remember that there was a happy feeling in the house on that day. My father used to be a teacher and was working at Ozu High School in Kochi teaching world history and social studies at that time. he brought home one of his colleagues, music teacher Mr. Doi, to give my mother and mayself the first piano lessons. He showed me the middle C saying “Yuka chan, this is C”. I am an only child and was very shy but I was astonished and positivley surprised by Mr. Doi’s personality. I felt such overflowing and radiating personality from him and I had never encountered such a personality before that time. Now I think this was the personality of an “artist” and I suppose this encounter opened the first door for me on the path to art. I am so happy to have met him and I express my gratitude. He was only around us for a short time and then he introduced us to a piano teacher because he was actually a singer. My father, having studied Japanese Noh theatre as a hobby, spoke often about Mr. Doi showing him breathing technique for European singing during school breaks and my father was allowed to touch his abdominal muscles which were well developed because of singing. Mr. Doi and also my father both passed away but I remember them both well…
まだ私が小さかった頃、母がアップライトのピアノを買いました。家の中にピアノを置くことが、母の夢だったのです。私は4歳か5歳ぐらいでしたが、ピアノの存在で家中が明るい雰囲気に包まれたように感じました。父は、当時は高知市内の小津高校に勤務していました。社会や歴史担当の教員だったのです。それで、同僚の音楽の土居敏秀先生に頼んで、我が家にピアノを教えに来ていただきました。 土居先生は「由佳ちゃん、これがドよ~」と、真ん中のドの音を押されました。一人っ子で、とても恥ずかしがりやだった私は、先生の表現に溢れたきらめくようなお人柄に、びっくりすると共に、深い印象を受けました。私はそれまでこのような方にお目にかかったことがなく、生まれて初めてのことでした。今から思えば、土居先生は「芸術家」でいらっしゃって、私の前にひとつの重要な扉を開いてくださったようです。先生にお目にかかれたことがとても嬉しく、感謝の気持ちが尽きることはありません。 先生は声楽がご専門だったので、我が家にピアノを教えに来られたのは少しだけの間で、専門の先生をご紹介くださって交代ということになりました。しかし、父はその後もずっと土居先生のことを感心して話しておりました。父は趣味で能をしていたので、声楽にも興味があったようです。学校の休み時間に、土居先生から西洋音楽の「腹式呼吸」を教えていただいたこと、土居先生の腹筋が素晴らしかったことなど、楽しげに話していました。土居先生も父も亡くなりましたが、とても懐かしく、常に思い出します。
Photo by Yuka Simeno 2018
Imagine イマジン
Another person from Britain who has influenced me a lot is John Lennon. I am an enthusiastic fan of his. Of course I love his participation in the Beatles but especially his activities with “Plastic Ono Band” and his comeback around 1980 as John Lennon which was sadly ended abruptly by violence. In his songs I might think to see some references to Buddhism, such as the lyrics in “Strawberry Fields forever” referencing a tree. That reminds me of “Kanmuryoujukyou”(Contemplation Sutra) and with “Plastic Ono Band” he sings about Truth, which made me question what truth might be.
“Imagine” is one of his most famous pieces and it has inspired many people. What he sings about seems very important to me, and I wish that all of us could be in his “Imagine” world just like he wishes. I suppose it is easy to visualize Jodoshinshu’s world being like “Imagine” world. Please remember the lyrics of “Imagine”. There is a passage “and no religion too”. Jodoshinshu is Buddhism but many institutions regard it as Philosophy rather that religion. Personally, I suppose Jodoshinshu is not something that is regarded as typical “Religion”. Let us wish for “Imagine” world but even if we could succeed in having that it may be good to have “Teaching for the heart” as well. It is not morality but truth. Jodoshinshu is “Truth teaching”…
私が大きな影響を受けたもう一人のイギリス人はジョン レノンです。私は彼の熱狂的なファンです。もちろん、ビートルズも好きですし、プラスティック オノ バンドや、1080年頃のカム バック(突然の暴力により断絶されましたが)の活動からも、大きな影響を受けました。彼の歌詞の中には、例えば、「ストロベリー フィールズ フォーァ エヴァー」の、「木」の例えや、プラスティック オノ バンドの「真実」の歌など、「仏教」を連想させられる部分があるように思います。
Photo by Yuka Simeno ,Burggarten,Vienna 2018
Yuka Simeno Puppe des Monats Juni 2018 示野由佳 今月の手作り人形 6月
I never learned to make dolls from anyone. For many years I was thinking about how to make dolls and was looking for a suitable material. That was strenuous but also very fun. This doll here I made with that suitable material basically as a trial. A nice lady from Vienna wanted to buy her although I did not really want to since I had the image of that doll being a trial piece. That lady accepted that but still wanted to by my doll because a long time ago she travelled to Peru and there she saw a woman who looked like that. Because of that experience she really wanted to by this doll. I feel very moved and am happy that my doll is with that lady now. I made that doll with much dedication and it holds meaning for myself. I named her “Utah”.
Photo by Yuka Simeno
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