A door opens in front of me…(1) 私の前に扉が開いた時…(1)

When we look back on our lives, I think we recognize that there were some moments when doors seemed to have opened in front of us. I guess those are turning points in our lives. Now I can understand that because I can identify those moments in my life.

When I was a little child, my mother bought an upright piano, which was her dream to have one at home. I was about four or five years old but I remember that there was a happy feeling in the house on that day. My father used to be a teacher and was working at Ozu High School in Kochi teaching world history and  social studies at that time. he brought home one of his colleagues, music teacher Mr. Doi, to give my mother and mayself the first piano lessons. He showed me the middle C saying “Yuka chan, this is C”. I am an only child and was very shy but I was astonished and positivley surprised by Mr. Doi’s personality. I felt such overflowing and radiating personality from him and I had never encountered such a personality before that time. Now I think this was the personality of an “artist” and I suppose this encounter opened the first door for me on the path to art. I am so happy to have met him and I express my gratitude. He was only around us for a short time and then he introduced us to a piano teacher because he was actually a singer. My father, having studied Japanese Noh theatre as a hobby, spoke often about Mr. Doi showing him breathing technique for European singing during school breaks and my father was allowed to touch his abdominal muscles which were well developed because of singing. Mr. Doi and also my father both passed away but I remember them both well…


まだ私が小さかった頃、母がアップライトのピアノを買いました。家の中にピアノを置くことが、母の夢だったのです。私は4歳か5歳ぐらいでしたが、ピアノの存在で家中が明るい雰囲気に包まれたように感じました。父は、当時は高知市内の小津高校に勤務していました。社会や歴史担当の教員だったのです。それで、同僚の音楽の土居敏秀先生に頼んで、我が家にピアノを教えに来ていただきました。 土居先生は「由佳ちゃん、これがドよ~」と、真ん中のドの音を押されました。一人っ子で、とても恥ずかしがりやだった私は、先生の表現に溢れたきらめくようなお人柄に、びっくりすると共に、深い印象を受けました。私はそれまでこのような方にお目にかかったことがなく、生まれて初めてのことでした。今から思えば、土居先生は「芸術家」でいらっしゃって、私の前にひとつの重要な扉を開いてくださったようです。先生にお目にかかれたことがとても嬉しく、感謝の気持ちが尽きることはありません。 先生は声楽がご専門だったので、我が家にピアノを教えに来られたのは少しだけの間で、専門の先生をご紹介くださって交代ということになりました。しかし、父はその後もずっと土居先生のことを感心して話しておりました。父は趣味で能をしていたので、声楽にも興味があったようです。学校の休み時間に、土居先生から西洋音楽の「腹式呼吸」を教えていただいたこと、土居先生の腹筋が素晴らしかったことなど、楽しげに話していました。土居先生も父も亡くなりましたが、とても懐かしく、常に思い出します。

Photo by Yuka Simeno 2018

Imagine イマジン

Another person from Britain who has influenced me a lot is John Lennon. I am an enthusiastic fan of his. Of course I love his participation in the Beatles but especially his activities with “Plastic Ono Band” and his comeback around 1980 as John Lennon which was sadly ended abruptly by violence. In his songs I might think to see some references to Buddhism, such as the lyrics in “Strawberry Fields forever” referencing a tree. That reminds me of “Kanmuryoujukyou”(Contemplation Sutra)  and with “Plastic Ono Band” he sings about Truth, which made me question what truth might be.

“Imagine” is one of his most famous pieces and it has inspired many people. What he sings about seems very important to me, and I wish that all of us could be in his “Imagine” world just like he wishes. I suppose it is easy to visualize Jodoshinshu’s world being like “Imagine” world. Please remember the lyrics of “Imagine”. There is a passage “and no religion too”. Jodoshinshu is Buddhism but many institutions regard it as Philosophy rather that religion. Personally, I suppose Jodoshinshu is not something that is regarded as typical “Religion”. Let us wish for “Imagine” world but even if we could succeed in having that it may be good to have “Teaching for the heart” as well. It is not morality but truth. Jodoshinshu is “Truth teaching”…

私が大きな影響を受けたもう一人のイギリス人はジョン レノンです。私は彼の熱狂的なファンです。もちろん、ビートルズも好きですし、プラスティック オノ バンドや、1080年頃のカム バック(突然の暴力により断絶されましたが)の活動からも、大きな影響を受けました。彼の歌詞の中には、例えば、「ストロベリー フィールズ フォーァ エヴァー」の、「木」の例えや、プラスティック オノ バンドの「真実」の歌など、「仏教」を連想させられる部分があるように思います。


Photo by Yuka Simeno ,Burggarten,Vienna 2018

Yuka Simeno Puppe des Monats Juni 2018 示野由佳 今月の手作り人形 6月

I never learned to make dolls from anyone. For many years I was thinking about how to make dolls and was looking for a suitable material. That was strenuous but also very fun. This doll here I made with that suitable material basically as a trial. A nice lady from Vienna wanted to buy her although I did not really want to since I had the image of that doll being a trial piece. That lady accepted that but still wanted to by my doll because a long time ago she travelled to Peru and there she saw a woman who looked like that. Because of that experience she really wanted to by this doll. I feel very moved and am happy that my doll is with that lady now. I made that doll with much dedication and  it holds meaning for myself. I named her “Utah”.


Photo by Yuka Simeno

90 years of “Liliputbahn” at the Vienna Prater 90年ウィーンプラーター公園リリプットバーン

Vienna Prater is very famous. What do you think about when you hear that name? I suppose many people think about the giant ferris wheel and the film  “The third man”… Since I am living in Vienna, the Prater is special to me, because there are not only modern rides and attractions but I always feel history there. Also there are lots of ample green surroundings which invite for a stroll. One of my favourite attractions is the “Liliputbahn”, named Liliput (as in the novel  “Gulliver’s travels”) because it is a small narrow-track train. I especially love the old-fashioned steam locomotive. 2018 marks the 90th anniversary of the commencement of operations of “Liliputbahn”. 90 years! I admire such a long history and this train has until now carried so many dreams of its passengers. This year, there are many commemorative events such as “Long night of Liliputbahn” (July 21st) with inside information and guided tours behind the scenes and  “Steam Days” (August 15th-19th). If you are interested, this train is featured in our music video “Im Prater  blüh’n wieder die Bäume” which you can find below. As far as I know, the special steam train operates only weekends and public holidays but you can  find official information at the website

Yuka Simeno (soprano)、Leopold Grossmann、recipient of Robert Stolz award(piano)、Dieter Pashing(tenor)




尚、私の歌ったローベルト シュトルツ作曲の「プラーター公園の木々が再び緑に茂る時…」のヴィデオにも、この蒸気汽車が出てくるので、ご覧くださったら嬉しいです。 テノールはディーター パッシング、ピアノは、ローベルト シュトルツ賞を受賞されたレオポルト グロースマン先生です。

Photo and Video by Yuka Simeno

Zärtliche Geigen Yuka Simeno L. Grossmann 優しいヴァイオリンの音が…示野由佳L.Grossmann

Wienerlied composed by Leopold Grossmann
Lyrics by Johann Nogol-Gerlich
Soprano – Yuka Simeno
Piano – Leopold Grossmann
Piano is played by the composer himself
From the CD “Vienna melodies” (1999)
Video copyright Yuka Simeno

When I studied at Vienna city Conservatory(now “University of the city of Vienna,MUK”)with Professor Grossmann, he himself offered me some of his composed works to perform. This one here is one of those compositions. He said it was the first time ever that he had offered someone his composition to perform and this is a tremendous honour for me. In this piece it is about springtime in Vienna, when tender violin sounds can be heard coming from Wienerwald (Vienna forest), there is mention of famous sights and  also a little bit of Viennese melancholy character can be felt.

レオポルト グロースマン作曲のヴィーナーリート
ヨハン ノゴル- ゲールリヒ作詞
示野由佳 歌 、レオポルト グロースマン ピアノ
ヴィデオ制作 示野由佳
ウィーン市立音楽院(現在のPrivatuniversität der Stadt Wien,MUK)でL.グロースマン先生のもとでオペレッタを勉強していた頃、先生はこの曲を演奏するように、と、ご自身で作曲されたいくつかの楽譜を私にお渡しになりました。この曲はそのひとつです。先生は、ご自分から歌って欲しいと思われて楽譜を渡すのはこれが初めてだ、とおっしゃっていました。大変名誉なことと、光栄に思います。 この曲では、春に、ウィーンの森から優しいヴァイオリンの音が聞こえてきて、花や、その他の素敵なことを語る…ということが繰り返され、ウィーンのいくつかの名所を織り込みながら、ウィーン人のメランコリックな気質も、ちらと漂わせます。

Video by Yuka Simeno

100 years of women’s voting right in Austria オーストリア女性選挙権100周年

On May 5th 2018,  at the “Club of Viennese Women Musicians” ,of which I am a member, there  was a celebration and opening of the exhibition “100 years women’s voting right in Austria”.

I think from the  beginning of human history, generally it was the men who, genetically endowed with bodily strength,  went hunting and brought home food. And generally women, because of physiological circumstances ,took care of the home, etc.

Even after a long time in our modern world today, I think that  it can be felt that there exist specific and strong ideas of gender roles. Unequal pay for equal work because of being a woman or fixed set of ideas of how women should be etc., should be overcome and changed. I think that in a balanced modern world every human being could fully live their character, talent and potential, wishes and therefore they could be respected and blossom as a living being. I wish for every human beings to live in a world where they can feel goodand in order to create that world let us go forward step by step…




Die Csárdasfürstin Yuka Simeno – “Heia, heia, in den Bergen ist mein Heimatland” 「チャルダッシュの女王」示野由佳



Soprano – Yuka Simeno Conductor- Boris Perrenoud Russian Philharmonic Orchestra Moscow Lied der Sylva Varescu “Heia, heia, in den Bergen ist mein Heimatland” From the operetta “Die Csardásfürstin” by Emmerich Kalmán From the CD “Vienna Melodies” (1999)示野由佳(小松由佳)ソプラノ ボリス ペレヌー指揮 ロシァン フィルハーモニック オーケストラ モスクワ シィルヴァの歌(シィルヴァ ヴァレスク)「ハイヤ、ハイヤ、私の故郷は山の中に…」 エンマーリヒ カルマン作曲 オペレッタ「チャルダッシュの女王」より CD「ウィーンのメロディー」より(1999年発売)

Yuka Simeno Puppe des Monats Mai 2018 示野由佳 今月の手作り人形 5月

Today is May 1st and this is the “Day of Labour”. Here in Austria it is a public holiday. Today her father is home and she is very happy. In the evening they are going to the opera together. Daddy is always very busy and it is not often that they can do that. Today there is a performance of “Aida” and she heard that it is a story from ancient Egypt. She will get dressed up and is very excited…

今日は5月1日。「労働者の日(メイ ディ)」で、ここ、オーストリアでは祭日です。この子はお父さんがお家にいるのでとても嬉しいです。今夜、二人は一緒にオペラに行きます。お父さんはいつもとても忙しいので、久しぶりです。演目は「アイーダ」。昔のエジプトのお話だそうです。この子はおしゃれをして、わくわくしています。

Photo by Yuka Simeno